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This word is submitted by Petru Prinsloo (saip@cis.co.za)

----- Use It

The enemy has come upon some like a mighty flood of waters. Some stand awed at the untempered onslaught - sinking in the quagmire of unbelief, weakness and inactivity. Others simply flail about without anchor or direction, succumbing to the continuous waves - first down into the deep then upwards to the heavens. Even more wonder "Where is God in all this?" and lash out in dwindling faith.

In this bleak picture My Beloved Ones, I must ask "Where is your authority - why don't you use it?" Are you not the one's I have singled out to make disciples of the nations? Did I not give you authority to trample demons and heal the sick?


I have called and appointed you. I have given you the rod of Aaron to stretch out over the waters of Egypt to perform miracles to My glory and for setting the captives free. I have given you the rod of Moses to part the Red Sea, move into victory and break out into victorious songs of praise. Consider whether the Exodus would have occurred as it did, if Moses and Aaron did not ACT in obedience to Father's voice. They were told what to do and had to physically ACT upon it - they had to stretch out their rods until the goals were reached. Moses had to hold up his rod until the battle with the Amelikites was won. They had to physically react, do something and continue with it until the end. Obedience and action work together like a horse and carriage. The horse cannot effectively draw a burden without the carriage. The carriage cannot move the burden by itself. Your rod (spiritual authority) must be used only in obedience to My voice. Remember the consequences after Moses struck the rock when Father told him to speak to it?


As the priests bore the Ark of Presence before the children of Israel to part the Jordan., Today you are My holy priesthood bearing My Presence. Where waters are blocking your progress, step in with My Presence and the waters will part. I am the Author and Finisher of your faith. I endured the Cross, suffered the shame, tread out and perfected the path of faith. Remember, he who believes in Me, the works that I did, he will do also. Greater works than these he will do, because I am seated next to Father. I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name, He may give you. Again, bearing My Presence and bearing fruit imply ACTION - action in faith. Faith in My Spirit within, that He will teach and guide you; faith in the faith I have perfected for you. Do not turn aside when waters: peoples, multitudes, danger, distress or tempest obstruct your walk for the Kingdom. Step forward into the waters, My Presence is with you; the waters shall not overcome you. However you must take that step into the water first...........


I have placed upon your shoulders the mantle of calling, anointing and responsibility - roll it up (use it) and strike the waters so you can move through on dry ground. I never spoke on My own authority, but by Father's command. I only did what I saw Him do. I have raised you and qualified you by My Spirit. I have endued you with strength and power and given you the right to exercise that power in My name. Your calling and anointing are powerful and excellent; for consider from whence it comes! This is not the calling into a particular office but the calling to go forth and BE ACTIVE for My Kingdom. By My spirit I have anointed and sealed you. Do not draw your mantle close to you; don't use My power for your glory. Take your anointing and IN HUMILITY wield your authority and power to part the waters.


Evil has no weapon against this combination of faith, obedience, humility and a relationship with Me - your authority. I defeated Satan but he knows that if you don't use your authority against him, he will come against you like mighty rushing waters.


Look again to the Ark of Presence - did it not contain Aaron's rod within; was it not covered with a mantle (layer) of gold? The people followed this Ark through the wilderness. Now you, by My Presence within, your rod and mantle, must open a way through the waters. Beloved, Hear My voice, stretch out your rod over the waters and the captives will be set free; bear My Presence, take that first step into the waters and you will come upon My Kingdom; take up your mantle, strike the waters and you will see miracles before your eyes.

My Beloved ones, you have all you need. You have Me and you have what I gave you. Use it goodly for I long for Our wedding night.