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Date: Aug 30, 2007

This word is submitted by Don Froess [dfroess@telus.net]


                    I Am Watching Over You

My beloved, your way is not hidden from Me nor is your cause disregarded;
for all night long I have been watching over you as you wear yourself
out from groaning and flooding your bed with tears. I have not taken My
eyes off of you as you make your way and pass through the valley of
weeping, and as your heart and flesh cry out for the Living God.

My child, throughout this season it has felt like you have been in the
lion's den, and that you have been crying out to Me all night with
prayer and supplications. In your quest for understanding you have
believed at times that because of your sin that your bones were being
crushed by the enemy overpowering you. But know that this has been
happening so that you can endure the day of My coming, for I have been
washing you as with a launderer's soap so you can stand when I appear.

Beloved unless I wash you, you will have no part of Me. But now as the
day is about to break and the shadows flee, you are coming up from the
washing. For you are going from strength to strength, as I arouse and
awaken your love once again. Therefore position yourself and hold fast,
for there is coming the sound of a mighty rushing wind to blow upon you,
so that the fragrance of Christ can be spread abroad.

My child, man looks at the outward appearance, but I look at the hear.
Though it has appeared that you have been sleeping, your heart is indeed
awake. I am yours and you are Mine, and it was with one glance of your
eyes that you have stolen My heart.

I am watching over My Word to see that it is fulfilled in your life.
Just as your soul yearns, even faints for My courts; so am I renewing
your strength. Trust in My Word and I will cause you to soar upon wings
of an eagle, so that you will run and not grow weary, walk and not faint.
I am watching over you because you are the apple of My eye.