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Date: June 22, 2007

This word is submitted by Wendy Logan [nebiyah20@charter.net]



Let everything that has breath praise Me. Put on a garment of praise
for the spirit heaviness. Lift up your voice to Me, for I inhabit your
praise. Yes, when My people praise Me, I am there in their midst. Your
praise is a sweet smelling aroma to Me. Praise sets the atmosphere for
a mighty move.

I adore those who give unto Me as sacrificial praise. When My people
praise Me in times of trials and troubles, that is when I strengthen
them. Praise is what brings you through.  Praise is one of the keys to
victory, for the enemy is scattered at the sound of your praise.  He
hates to hear the sound of worship being given to the One he envies.

When you go to your prayer closet to pray, and you don't feel Me, get
into praise and worship. I am there when you aren't feeling Me, but when
you catch My heart with your praises, you cause My hand to move. When
praises go up, blessings come down.  So praise Me in and through every
situation. When you are frustrated and discouraged, sing a song of
praise. That is how David encouraged himself with praise!

My children don't understand the power of praise yet fully. Yes, your
praise brings delight to Me; but when you praise, you also strengthen
yourself.  You edify yourself and you remind yourself of Who I am. I
want you to praise Me for who I am so I can show you another aspect of
My glory. Praise, praise, praise!