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Date: June 21, 2007

This word is submitted by Rob Lillington [rlillingtons@exemail.com.au]


                    Heavenly Pursuit

Dear child, for many months now you have been sensing a dryness and a
hiddenness of My presence in your life. You have been greatly troubled
by this and have considered many reasons why this is so. You have
searched deep in your heart and found many mistakes and failures but
these have been covered by My blood. My blood is more than sufficient
to cover a multitude of your sins. And so, why are you still sensing
a distance from My presence?

I'm glad you asked that question, for it's all about pursuit.

In times when I am distant, I call to you to pursue Me. To search Me out
in all your ways. Seek Me in your daily activities. Search Me out in My
word, and in your silences for My heart for you. In the pursuit of My
presence that you will gain renewed strength. The faster you run to Me,
the more tired physically you will become, but be assured that the
pursuit is totally worth the effort. This pursuit is designed to
strengthen and revitalizing your spiritual muscles. Pursue Me when I am
hiding My face from you. Pursue Me when you are disappointed and
discouraged. Pursue Me even when you don't want to pursue Me. Pursue you
when you've given up. Pursue Me in the desert and in the plains. Pursue
Me in the times of drought and the times of abundant rain. Pursue Me in
health and pursue Me in pain. Think of this as an opportunity to get
your heart right. For I assure you that you WILL find me at the right

(Jer. 29:13-14b NKJV)  
   And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all 
   your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord.