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Date: May 29, 2010

This word is submitted by Colleen Vickers [cvickers@cfl.rr.com]



    Many are in the midst of trials.  The storm has come suddenly and 
    seemingly without warning and you wonder 'where is My God? Am I 
    here all alone?'

    The Lord is impressing upon me to remind you of others just like 
    you who were in a boat with Jesus when a great storm came upon 
    them and they were SO afraid. But Jesus spoke and the storm 
    stilled. And He still speaks today...

Do not fear little flock. You are not alone. This storm, the one you 
are in, will not over take you. You rest in the palm of My hand. You 
rest under the shelter of My wing. Your Name has been written on the 
palms of My loving hands, and it cannot be erased. Can a mother forget 
her child? 

Know that I hold you before My face, that I will order your path in 
accord with My love and My good will. Though you may not understand 
the reasons, do not doubt that I sit on the throne. I will use these 
present circumstances for your good. I know the number of your days. 
I know the number of the hairs on your head. I was there as your grew 
in your mother's womb. I know the number of your tears, and each one 
belongs to Me--they have not fallen to the ground unnoticed, but into 
My loving hands. I hold your sorrows as well as your hopes, and I am 
about the business of bringing you into My kingdom for the display of 
My glory. 

You are My own dear children and I love you! I know your end from 
your beginning. Keep your eyes on Me. Trust, and do not be shaken by 
shifting sand. Lift your eyes to Me. Do not look at the waves. They 
will not overtake you! 

Trust Me, My children, trust Me. I came. I paid the price, and I live 
for you. I am with you now in the fire. I am with you now in the storm. 
I am with you now in your weakness. Trust Me, I do not give as the
world gives. I am offering you gold, fire tried gold and from you it 
will never be taken. As I was with My disciples in the boat, and as I 
was with the three in the fire, and with the many that have trusted 
and followed Me, so I am with you now. I am with you now! 

Receive My peace. Receive My love. Receive My strength, for I am your 
Shepherd and I will lead you forward. I am with you. Hear Me, My 
children. I am with you and I can not be shaken.