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Date: Mar 9, 2007

This word is submitted by Nancy Smith [dancin-nan@earthlink.net]


                      A Day of Battle

My child you have seen great beginnings of good things that I am
bringing into your life. However, now you stand amazed that things seem
to be more messed up than ever before. Do you not know that with every
possibility of a victory there is just as great a possibility of the
enemy coming into your life to try to abort that victory?

You are in a war, my child.  I have given you the tools to win that
war, but you must never think that you are walking into a victory
without a battle to fight. Your enemy knows exactly where you are weak
and where you have been defeated in the past. He will try those things
again until you overcome the temptation to just sit passively by while
these things go on. You say to Me, "How, Lord, have I been passive?
For I have done all that I know to do". And yet, My child, you have
not warred with the weapons of the Spirit, and you have murmured and
complained while the enemy has come in like a flood to try to destroy
your future.

This time, I say, rise up into the power of the Spirit and take authority
over your enemy and watch him flee on all sides. Know that you cannot
win this war with anger at those who have come to frustrate the plan of

You must walk in peace, love and forgiveness in order to make full effect
of the armor that I have given you. This day is a day of battle, and the
peace that you have longed for must first begin with you. It begins when
you have confidence in Me, even when things around you look a mess.
Know, My child, that there is nothing impossible for Me. I can work with
your praises. So praise Me and begin to sound the alarm in the Spirit so
that I can do this good work in your circumstances that I have begun.