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Date: Mar 5, 2003

This word is submitted by Inez Brinkley (ibrinkley@jam.rr.com)


                           The Seasons

Look at the seasons, child of Mine and gain insights for your life. Look 
and see and believe that I set the seasons in place and I have the seasons 
of your life securely in My hands. All will be brought to pass. For even 
as you walk through the bleak winter of life, remember that spring buds 
with new life. Your trials and testings are but for a season, so that in Me, 
you can bud with new life, new power, new boldness; and your ministry will 
bloom as you nurture it by My Spirit. 

As the sun warms the earth and tender shoots of grass spring forth, so shall 
it be with you.  The Son has warmed your heart and soul and what He has 
planted in you will spring forth. The season is now My child. Don't look at 
what is going on around you. For although the world is still bleak with 
winter child, yet newness is beginning to bloom within you and will be 
brought forth speedily.