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Date: Feb 25, 2005

This word is submitted by Mary Cowin (mcowin@nwinfo.net)


                     The Great I AM

I am the Lord Almighty, the great I AM.  I am the faithful One, true to 
every promise I have given My servants who follow after Me in wholeness 
and truth.

My children have nothing to worry about, if they take My word as their
shield and buckler, no arrow can penetrate your armor.  Will you choose to
stand and trust your God only and not waver in unbelief and doubt?  If you
choose to be true to Me and My word, I will always bring you My victory.
The choice is yours -- life or death, defeat or victory.  It all hinges on your
decision to believe and not waver; to trust Me no matter what the world
tells you.  

My word will never fail My beloved ones who choose to believe Me.  I am God.  
I will never fail My beloved ones who believe My word and stand firm to the 
end.  Trust, believe, seek your God and stand.  I am God Almighty.  Picture 
Me in your minds, with My sword drawn, slaying the enemy who seeks to harm 
My beloved.  "No!"  I am God.  "No!" I say. "These are My beloved sheep.  
Touch not My anointed ones, who follow hard after Me."