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Date: Feb 24, 2005

This word is submitted by Judy Bauman (rivermistlighthouse1@comcast.net)


                  Your Father's Word to You

I have already given you everything that you need to fight the enemy 
of your soul.  You are My child, you are My soldier and you are My friend.
Pray to Me as Jesus prayed.  I Am His Father and I Am your Father.

You are more than a conqueror and you have already been given the victory.
You are My righteous instrument ~ My instrument of choice.  I have given 
you keys, I have given you My power and authority.  I have chosen you and 
I will send you in My time.

You are My diamond and you are in the process of being polished.  You need 
to trust Me and not your old man; don't trust the ways of old.  Instead,
Give yourself wholly to Me and I will give you the desires of your heart.

Trust Me, obey Me, follow Me, love Me; for I will never disappoint you.