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This word is submitted by Patsy Barnes (patsybarnes@juno.com)

What will your answer be?

I am looking and searching to find a people that I can show myself strong. Are you one of those people? If you say yes then you shall see the hand of God move upon your life but you must be ready to do what I tell you at all times. The time for hesitation is over. It is now time to move and speak what I tell you to say.

As long as you speak what I give to you and you do not add to or take away then I will back up every word you speak and they will come to pass.
For I am not a man that I can lie.

When you move and act on my behalf because that is what I have told you to do then great signs and wonders will take place.

These people that I will show myself strong in are obedient people, they are worshippers and they are prayer warriors.

Say yes to my call and see the hand of God work, see the hand of God move, see the words spoken come to pass, see great signs and wonders. Are you ready? It come with a great price. Are you ready to pay that price? Are you ready to give it all to me? Everything? Say yes and a great journey will begin the minute you say yes. First it starts in the realm of the spirit and with your faith. You must believe that it has begun. Then it moves to the area of sight and then into action where you can hear, see and do.

Are you ready? I am looking for a people where I can show myself strong.
What will your answer be?