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This word is submitted by Fred Kelly (fredkelly@prodigy.net)

I shall life you up


As you come unto Me says the Lord, as you bow down before Me. When you humble yourselves and give unto Me, I place a hedge round about you, says the Lord. For I am looking for a people that will humble themselves before Me and come into My presence and not resist what I am doing in your life, says the Lord. But resist the enemy. For I have called a people that will stand firm and stand in My presence and know that I am truly the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. This is not just something that is mouthed, but something that you must believe deeply within your hearts. And as you bring it forth from your very, very depth of your bosom and you bring it out. You bring out that which I have poured within you. It goes forth as a piercing dart or arrow to touch the hearts of the lost that need to know My light, that need to know My saving glory says the Lord. For it comes, and it comes, and it comes when you humble yourselves before Me.

For as you humble before Me, I shall use you and I shall lift you up and I shall use you in the presence of the enemy to destroy the enemy. You shall trample on him. Have I not said that in the word, that you shall trample him under your feet, declares God.

Yes, I pour forth My love upon you, and yes I expect that you pour forth your love unto those round about you. Know that I am He that created all the heavens and the earth, and know that I am the one that place life within your very being. I knew you from the womb says the Lord, and I declare and I have declared that you shall be used of Me. You are shaped and molded and used in the very presence. In the very presence of My Son, Jesus and My Holy Spirit shall fill you, and fill you and wash over you; and shall destroy the works of the enemy as you humble yourselves before Me.