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-- © GodSpeak International 2000 --
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Contributing Authors:
Alison Bowling A.Bowling@utas.edu.au, Lucy Deliganis deliganis@worldnet.att.net, Paul Gaskin paul.gaskin@bbsrc.ac.uk Teresa Seputis ts@godspeak.net
EDITOR:Alison Bowling

Prayer Resources

Lesson 2

By Paul Gaskin

Prayer Resources On The Internet

The following are a but a selected few of the large number of wonderful prayer resources to be found out there on the internet.The websites are listed in no particular order. I hope that I have found most of the major ones. More URL's can be found simply by following the links page on each of the sites below.

The aim in collecting these resources is to provide the reader with sites that open the way in intercession and prayer, and represent places and ministries where much prayer happens. The intent was not to find resources for personal prayer or sites to post prayer requests.

The links on this teaching were current as of July 3, 2000. However, links on the internet move around (or sometimes disappear) over time. Some of the links on this page may become obsoleted over time.

International House of Prayer

International House of Prayer, Kansas City, led by Mike Bickle.

This is a serious and committed undertaking to 24 X 7 intercession with carefully planned worship and prayer segments. There are plenty of resources on the site in the form of Adobe Acrobat readable PDF files that the visitor is encouraged to download.

"The International House of Prayer is a 24-hour, citywide, inter-denominational prayer ministry serving the body of Christ in the Kansas City area. This ministry is modeled after the tabernacle of David with singers and musicians being released to lead corporate intercession and worship 24-hours a day. "

It arose from a vision that God gave to Paul Cain of a sign with the letters

This stood for International House of Prayer. The interpretation is that the Holy Spirit is making His House, His Body, an International House of Prayer. Then, in Paul's vision, the letters turned from a horizontal arrangement, to a vertical arrangement
I Intercession
H Holiness
O Offering
P Prophetic

Voice in the City.


"Voice in the City is an international and interdenominational missions organisation with its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The founder is evangelist Suzette Hattingh. With a burden for the rejected and broken-hearted, the clear focus of Suzette´s call is to reach the lost in cities an local communities by means of a servantlike ministry as well as by holding worldwide evangelistic outreaches."

Suzette Hattingh was formerly an intercessor with Reinhard Bonnke's organisation, but God has raised her up into a fiery evangelist with an anointing to equip the saints in intercession.

Ministry to the Nations.

Jim and Michal Ann Goll

"Networking with intercessory and prophetic leaders; Friendship and relational covering for itinerant, outreach, and missions ministries; Training believers through conferences, seminars, schools of the Spirit and various outreaches; Publishing and distributing quality materials to reproduce what the Holy Spirit has given to us."

"We have adapted our statement of purpose from the Moravian Christians, 'To win for the Lamb the rewards of His suffering.' We purpose to do this by "Equipping the Church" and "Expanding the Kingdom" through proclaiming the gospel to the nations with signs following, first to the Jew and then to the Gentile. Our desire is to envision the Body of Christ to fulfill her prophetic destiny as an "exceeding great army sent out into all the earth" and to become the House of Prayer for All Nations."

Revival Now.
Wesley and Stacey Campbell are itinerant revivalists and prayer warriors from Kelowna BC Canada who have been sent to the nations to equip the Body of Christ in prayer for revival, for the prophetic and for signs and wonders.

(This site is still very much under construction at the time of writing)

Revival Now, Sunderland UK
News of what God is doing in Sunderland plus what He is saying to Ken and Lois Gott and the team which they are currently establishing. They have set up a 24 hour house of prayer in response to a number of visions and God is beginning to use them mightily in intercession for the UK and for Europe.
Friends of the Bridegroom.
Mike Bickle, Paul Cain

An online school:Forerunner School of Prayer (Live Broadcast) via the internet. (Every Saturday Night Teaching Sessions)

The Bride of Christ (Mike Bickle's latest teaching series on the Bride of Christ)
The Harp & the Bowl (Teaching on Intercession & Worship)
Mike Bickle Audio Archive (Recent Messages by Mike Bickle)


A sister church, A.R.K. Ministries F.O.T.B. Chicago

Watch of the Lord
A vision of corporate intercession, where the Bride of Christ, the Army of God spends the night hours with the Heavenly Bridegroom, Jesus the Lord of the Harvest, in intimate worship and prayer for revival.

"In 1986, Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda were instrumental in a powerful visitation of the Lord in their church. After a season, however, that corporate vision waned. Since that time, they have hungered to see God come again and rest in visitation among His people. In their hunger for revival, the Holy Spirit conceived a precious seed that has now given birth to an extraordinary move of God sweeping around the world: the Watch of the Lord!"

"In 1995, the Chavdas and a handful of others began meeting spontaneously to SEEK THE LORD IN PRAYER. The Holy Spirit began revealing CORPORATE INTERCESSION as a MISSING LINK BETWEEN THE RENEWAL AND THE HARVEST. The Watch of the Lord represents a restoration of something very dear to the heart of our Savior: PRAYER. In these desperately wicked times, there must arise a CORPORATE SURGE OF PRAYER to move the hand of God. When the nation of Israel was in spiritual desolation, the prophet Joel called for a CORPORATE FAST TO LAST THROUGH THE NIGHT (Joel 1:13-14). Thousands of watchmen worldwide are now meeting corporately each Friday night to spend the night in prayer, fasting, and worship. One prophetic picture gives understanding to the primary revelations concerning the watch: A BEAUTIFUL BRIDE IN ARMY BOOTS!"

Generals of Intercession.

Cindy and Mike Jacobs

Ask of ME, and I will give you the nations as you inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for you Psalms 2:8.

This ministry is dedicated to pulling down the strongholds that hinder world evangelism through prayer/intercession, spiritual warfare and the prophetic. They "place a special emphasis on the un-reached people groups throughout the world receiving intercession in order that they may be reached with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ."

Global Harvest Ministries.
"Global Harvest Ministries is dedicated to the goal of global evangelization. Dr. Peter Wagner says, "We see our task as getting people in touch with one another through dynamic, human web networks for the purpose of waging effective spiritual warfare."

"It will collect and compile requests from every continent as national prayer centers report what God is doing and how His people ought to pray. Dr. Peter Wagner says, "We see our task as getting people in touch with one another to interactive, human web networks that are properly equipped to wage effective spiritual warfare."

Dutch Sheets Ministries.
Dutch's books, "Intercessory Prayer" and "The River of God"

"Expectation of God's outpouring of revival in America continues to resound loudly and strongly. Will we be ready to glean the harvest the Lord desires, or will some be lost due to our lack of preparedness? Dutch's teachings calls us to attention, and then with excellence and anointing, imparts the skills and resources necessary to effectively accomplish the task before us. Many lives - those who attend and those who come to Christ in the coming revival - will be powerfully impacted and changed as a result of Dutch's books, video/audio teachings and conferences."

7 Basic Steps to Successful Fasting and Prayer.
Dr Bill Bright: 7 basic steps to intercessory prayer and fasting "I believe the power of fasting as it relates to prayer is the spiritual atomic bomb that our Lord has given us to destroy the strongholds of evil and usher in a great revival and spiritual harvest around the world"

"Increasingly I have been gripped with a growing sense of urgency to call upon God to send revival to our beloved country. In the spring and summer of 1994, I had a growing conviction that God wanted me to fast and pray for forty days for revival in America and for the fulfillment of the Great Commission in obedience to our Lord's command."

Glory of Zion International Ministries.
"Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce has been used by God to intercede and mobilize prayer for local churches, cities and nations. He presently serves as Vice President of Global Harvest Ministries and Executive Director of the World Prayer Center. This spiritual nerve center located in Colorado Springs, Colorado coordinates, develops and establishes networks of intercessors throughout the world."
The Reconciliation Walk.
Healing the root of bitterness left by the Crusades of the 11th century by walking the various routes taken by the Crusaders in repentance and a spirit of reconciliation.

John Pressdee: "From the beginning of the Reconciliation Walk, the Holy Spirit has stressed to us that we must walk in the true spirit of the Cross. The Crusaders used the Cross as a banner for battle, but we are called to redeem its meaning among Muslims and Jews. We must do more than carry the message, we must be the message!"

Great Southland Ministries.
"To help raise up, equip, and release a mighty army of prayer warriors across Australia and beyond; To co-ordinate a network of support, training, and encouragement for those called to intercessory and prophetic ministry; To help provide a "watchman" ministry, sounding the alarm to the Body of Christ on matters affecting both the church and the nations; To work together with other Christian ministries in order to promote unity and strength across the Body of Christ."
The Watchword.
A good resource and a call to watch and pray for revival.

"The purpose of the Watchword is to call the Church to a lifestyle of fervent prayer and preparation for a revival of Apostolic Christianity. Our goal is to publish stirring messages and articles that will impart HOPE, VISION and ZEAL for a genuine CHRIST centered revival. It is our prayerful conviction that a visitation of God is eminent. Therefore we are committed to trumpet the prophetic call to watch and pray."

U.S. Prayer Track.
Founded by Eddie and Alice Smith in 1993, the U.S. PRAYER TRACK exists to mobilize prayer for revival and spiritual awakening in the United States through:

Identifying and networking prayer ministries. Serving existing prayer ministries. Training pastors, leaders, and praying Christians through seminars and conferences. Consulting pastors, Church leaders, denominational and parachurch organizations. Producing instructional and inspirational prayer-related training material. Writing articles for many Christian publications. Coordinating PrayUSA! iand 40 days of prayer and fasting each Spring for revival and spiritual awakening in the United States and this year joining with PrayWORLD 2000.

In Christ's Image.
Francis Frangipane
Incorporating Arrow Publications and Advancing Church Ministries.

Advancing Church Ministries. Through the outreach of Advancing Church Ministries, Francis is sent out to bring the message of Christlikeness and reconciliation to the body of Christ. The Lord has used Francis to unite thousands of ministries in prayer, nationally and internationally. You will find his conference itinerary, a pastors' resource center and a listing of citywide prayer contacts on this site.

Trumpet Blast.
Paul Bell has some great resources for prayer and intercession plus penetrating and challenging articles.
New England Concerts of Prayer (NECP).
"Is there any way we can begin to turn back the forces of oppression? Yes, there is! We can pray! New England has enjoyed five major revivals in the past. There have been great moves of God recently around the world. Many believe that the time for revival here in America is now! New England Concerts of Prayer is working with churches to motivate Christians to pray together."
Embrace Israel Ministries.
Rueven Doron

A valuable resource for all those with a burden for Israel.

Go to the Nations.
Marcos Barros. Prayer for revival in the nations, particularly UK and Europe, birthed out of the revival in Brazil.
Global March for Jesus.

America's National Prayer Committee.
"We recognize our absolute dependence on God and our desperate need for divine intervention. We believe God is urging us to call all Christians of America to unite in humility and repentance across ethnic and church boundaries to pray persistently for a moral and spiritual awakening in the Body of Christ. We believe this will greatly advance His Kingdom in our nation and worldwide. "
Revival Generation.
"Revival Generation is trying to help other teens impact their school campuses with the awesome power of prayer! We accomplish this by assisting and equipping teens to establish weekly prayer groups on their school campuses. These teen prayer groups are rapidly spreading across America's 56,000 high schools and are bringing students together from many different, social, denominational, and ethnic backgrounds in the name of Jesus Christ through prayer."
Intercessors for Africa.
"Intercessors for Africa was founded in 1985 as a network of participating national prayer and intercessory networks of countries, primarily within the African continent, as well as Africans in the Diaspora."
Intercessors for New Zealand.
"For many, many, years people have been saying and prophesying that we are "on the verge of a new move of God". This undefined, tantalizing but elusive "new move" has dangled before us like the proverbial carrot in front of the donkey. But the time has now arrived! A new move of God has begun! "
Joel News International Prayer and Revival Bulletin.
"Joel News is an e-mail bulletin offering news reports on prayer and revival from all over the world. Joel News aims at leaders, intercessors and other Christians with a heart for prayer and vision for revival. The reports are meant to encourage, challenge and inform. "

Joel News is published twice a week in English. The bulletin covers more than 100 prayer and revival sources all over the world. Joel News also publishes news from its own network in Europe. Subscribers are encouraged to send in news reports themselves. The editors will make a selection based on criteria like focus (prayer and revival), length, news value and interest for the readers.

The Second Call Ministries.
Prayer for worldwide revival that was birthed in the Argentine revival.
Prayer For America.
"This web site is dedicated to people who pray for America. You will find a list of events for suggested participation. You will find prayer suggestions and a list of hyperlinks to prayer resources. Also included are official documents from our nation and information about the National Broadcast Concert of Prayer. May the Holy Spirit guide you as you pray for America!"
Prayer Canada.
The sites goals is "To encourage Christians to pray for their nation and to establish weekly prayer meetings in -- Legislative Buildings -- City Halls -- Churches -- Homes."
International Reconciliation Coalition.
"We believe that the followers of Jesus are to step into this impasse as agents of healing. Within our ranks are representatives of every category of humanity. Trembling in our heavenly Father's presence, we see clearly the sins of humankind and have no inclination to cover them up. Thus, we are called to live out the biblical practice of identificational repentance, a neglected truth that opens the floodgates of revival and brings healing to the nations."
Wiconi International.
"Wiconi International is a ministry that was born out of a desire to glorify God among First Nations people. Wiconi is guided by a God-given sense of spirit-led purpose, vision, and mission to see Native people find faith and life in Jesus Christ and fulfill their God-given place in the Body of Christ worldwide.

Purpose: To glorify God the Father among First Nations people, by exalting the Lord Jesus Christ, Creator of heaven and earth. To serve the Church as a bridge builder and consulting resource. To network with Native and non-Native leaders to develop a Christ-centered, culturally honoring style of ministry that upholds Biblical Truth while embracing Native cultures. To see the Native expression of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom recognized and embraced as an integral part of the evangelical mainstream in North America."

Cherokee Prayer Initiative.
"The Cherokee Prayer Initiative is a distinctively Christian two-year prayer effort offering prayers of healing, repentance, forgiveness, and blessing at significant places in the Cherokee Homeland of the Southern Appalachians in the United States.

A DOOR OF CONFESSION. In 1999 & 2000, small prayer teams of Christian intercessors will fan out over the Cherokee Homeland, praying and repenting at places where Europeans iniquitously sinned against the host peoples of the land, in this case, the Cherokee people."

The Intercessory Prayer Network.
"The Intercessory Prayer Network is a ministry based out of Columbia, South Carolina. Part of our vision is to provide a network of committed believers who will join together in prayer believing God will bring about change in every situation by His Spirit, providing healing, restoration, reconciliation, deliverance, salvation and victory."
AD2000 prayer track.
Praying Through The 10/40 Window IV http://www.ad2000.org/1040ovr.htm

"The core of the unreached people of our world live in a rectangular-shaped window! Often called "The Resistant Belt", the window extends from West Africa to East Asia, from ten degrees north to forty degrees north of the equator. This specific region, which has increasingly become known as The 10/40 Window, encompasses the majority of the world's Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists -- billions of spiritually impoverished souls."

GodSpeak Prayer School.
This is the main page for the prayer-school. It contains some excellent articles from early posts to the list, as well as links to the prayer school mini-series teaching pages.

A direct link to the teaching pages is found at

Or you can visit the top level GodSpeak www page at

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