We had a private (team only) meeting during the day, so we did not minister to anyone, but Randy prayed for each us. We were still split into four teams and the team I was on went to the Peace church (Pas) for the evening meeting. The worship was more of a celebration than deep worship. And yet somewhere during the midst of the celebration, I became aware of God's presence and I found myself on my face on the floor before Him.
At some point Bill Johnson came up to the platform, but I did not notice when he went up there. He began to encourage anyone who was hungry for more of God to come up to the platform and begin crying out for Him. I got up and I felt prompted to go up to the front with the group, knowing that the crowd would get too thick to get to the front later on. So I positioned myself in near the front on the left side. I felt that same hunger and passion for God's presence that Bill was talking about and I thought maybe I would just forget about ministering and cry out for more of God for myself. Bill tried to pray over the congregation, but the interpreter came down with a really bad case of holy laughter and could not translate anything. The spirit's presence was so thick. Bill interrupted the prayer and gave about 10 minutes of "instructions".. e.g., a short teaching on receiving from God. Then he invited them to call out to God some more, to call out more desperately, to be truly hungry for God.
I suddenly saw in my spirit was God was up to, how He was imparting into the people there the same anointing that was over Randy's ministry. I realized that God's plan for the team was to minister and that in the process of ministering, we would also receive. I could hardly wait to get my hands on people and start praying/imparting/ministering. But I also knew that I was not to do anything until Bill released the team to pray. So I stood there, feeling like a horse at the starting gate, excitedly waiting for the race to begin.
Finally Bill released the team to pray. I touched one person on the head and began praying in my limited vocabulary of "Come Holy Spirit, Fill Him Lord." The man did not just fall, he shot backwards like he'd been forcefully pushed.. and I'd barely been touching him. Most of the time I would start to pray for someone, they would go down under the power before I could get a sentence out. The Holy Spirit was doing a quick work and the people were really hungry to receive from Him. I remembered thinking that God did not really need the team at all to minister to these people and feeling privileged that God would allow us to participate with Him in this ministry. It was a lot of fun to pray. And He was touching everyone powerfully. It really did not matter who on the team prayed for a person, they would be on the floor shaking (or crying or laughing) under the power of the Holy Spirit for a long time.
Then Bill changed gears and asked the team to come to the stage to give words of knowledge. As I headed towards the platform, a lady stopped me and used mime and gestures to indicate she wanted prayer for her neck. She was stiff and could hardly turn her head. So I laid my hands on her and did a short prayer. I felt heat and electricity shoot out of them. I asked her, by gesture, to test it out. She had complete mobility in her neck, no apparent pain, no stiffness and she gave me a huge smile and a big thumbs up.
Then I joined the team on stage to give words of knowledge. There were several up there before me, since I'd had the delay to pray for the lady's neck en route. This was a smaller auditorium, with maybe 400 people there. Because it was small and more personal, Bill was able to find out which individuals responded on each word of knowledge. It was fun seeing who the words were for when I gave my three words of knowledge. Then Bill prayed over the room and something like 74 people were healed between when the word of knowledge was given and when Bill finished praying. There were about 90 people who responded to the words of knowledge, so that was a very high percentage of healings... about 80% of those who responded to a word of knowledge were healed!
Bill had some people come up and share testimonies. Most of the time when they have people share testimonies, they don't interpret them for us. But the interpreter was whispering the interpretation to Bill, and he was coming and telling us. It was fun to hear them. As the testimonies progressed, two of the three words of knowledge I'd had came up to give testimonies of being healed. I found myself silently praying, Lord please heal the third one as well and have them come up to share. The last person who shared a testimony was that third word of knowledge. It was such a blessing to know that 1) people really existed with all of the words of knowledge that God had given me and 2) that He had healed all three conditions He gave me words for. That was a bit of a faith-builder for me.
Then Bill asked for some of those who spoke English to act as interpreters for the team and released us to pray. A young girl, maybe 16 or 17, came up to assist me. Her English was excellent and she was easy to work with. God did pretty quick healings. She would get very excited each time a person was healed, and would start jumping up and down. We had some things that did not get healed, a blind lady and a deaf man and a man with large tumors in his arm. But we saw 10 verifiable healings and another 20 or so who had conditions we could not verify healing (high blood pressure, diabetes, etc) that were visibly touched by God. I am not sure which was more fun, watching God heal the people or watching how excited my interpreter got as God healed each one! After we were done praying for people, I prayed for my interpreter and asked God to give her the same healing impartation so that she could lay hands on the sick and see them recover. It was such a fun meeting -- what a wonderful way to finish the trip!
We got back to our hotel about 1:00 AM and we had to be loaded on the bus at 4:30 AM to leave for the airport and start our two-day trip home.
Closing Thoughts
My experiences were fairly typical. Most of the team members both saw God do healings and miracles and also experienced some degree of spiritual warfare. In general, I would say that the more hungry a person was to see God move in power through them, the more of God's power they saw. Some people were very hungry and saw God do allot of mighty works. But each and every person on the team, all 60 of us, experienced God perform physical healings through us as well as seeing God release impartations and fresh fillings when we prayed for people. In other words, this ministry is NOT intended for a select few. It is intended for the body of Christ at large.
Right now God is in the process of changing our mindset so that we expect Him to work through us in power. We have had a "can't do" mentality for too long now. Our culture teaches us to value scientific method and scoff at the supernatural. Even though we "confess with our mouths" our believe in God's ability to work miracles through us, most of us don't really expect Him to do it. God wants to change our expectations so that He can do more and more through us to glorify His name and advance His kingdom.
And that is my main motivation for sharing this testimony.. to show you what God wants to do through you. To show you want to expect and look forward to, because God is a healing God and He longs to move in power through His church today. So where do you stand in all of this? Do you want God to move through you and do you want Him to glorify His name and advance His kingdom through you? John 14:12-14 tells us that we should expect to do what Jesus did. So we need to change our mindset and start believing that God really meant it when He told us to heal the sick, cast out demons and share the good news.
If God can use "little 'ole me" He can certainly use you as well! This is the time and season where He wants to glorify His name through His people.
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