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Belem Missions Trip

(Sep 23 to Oct 3, 2002)

DAY 5 (Sun, Sep 29, 2002)

We started a new pastor's conference at a different location on Sunday morning. (The main Sunday service is in the evening in Brazil, not in the morning.) God did some neat stuff, but I am sort of fuzzy on the details. There is one thing that I remember even though I was not involved in the ministry itself. We had been moving around the room praying for people. Things slowed down and I talked to someone for a little while. Then I noticed a woman standing there in the ministry area who looked like maybe she wanted prayer. So I went up to her, interpreter in tow, and asked her if she wanted prayer. She did not want prayer, she'd already been prayed for. She had this incredible vision of an angel touching her, reaching inside and taking out the tumor that was in her intestines. Then when she touched her stomach it was flat and pain free. She was very amazed and astonished by what had happened. I took her up to the leader, who I think was Bill Johnson that day. He listened to her testimony and then had the woman share it in the meeting.

As it happened, I ended up standing next to the lady who had prayed for her. This team member did not speak any Portuguese and did not have an interpreter. However, as she prayed, she got a word of knowledge about the tumor and prayed for it in English. The lady receiving prayer did not speak any English and did not understand what was being prayed. But when the team member prayed about the tumor, the power of God hit the Brazilian lady and she went down in the spirit. The American team member did not know what was happening and moved on to pray for someone else. She was VERY excited when she heard the testimony of the healing and the vision, especially since the healing matched the word of knowledge the she'd gotten while praying! It was fun watching all of this unfold! God is neat!

Sunday night was the last night of the big 3-day outreach. There were over 30,000 in attendance and it was very crowded.

The Lord had been doing a lot of quick healings during the ministry time just before the Sunday night meeting, and a huge line had formed around me. The team members all prayed for people in the healing tent from 6:00 PM until 7:30 PM. There was a very strong anointing for healing. Almost everyone was healed, usually in about 2 minutes. There were so many healings I can't keep tack of them. I must have prayed for about 25 people and at least 20 of them were verifiably healed. Some had things you cannot verify, like high blood pressure or diabetes.

I had prayed for one of those "impossible cases" the night before, a little girl (maybe 7 years old) who was autistic, deaf and blind (with many cataracts on both eyes). The night before I had prayed for her for maybe 15 minutes and then "gave up" as there had been no visible change and no way to do feedback because she was both deaf and blind and also unable to engage in the process mentally. I had tried everything I could think of: rebuking demons, commanding body parts to work, commanding the cataracts to fall off, asking the Holy Spirit to come heal, etc. There was no change on the previous night when all of this happened. So I told the mother that sometimes it requires a lot of prayer to fix this serious of a condition, and encouraged her to have others from the team pray for her daughter as well.

After I a while, I looked up and saw this mother and her daughter (from the night before) standing before me. I felt a certain amount of dismay when I saw them, because up until then I had been seeing pretty much instant healings and almost everyone healed. I already knew that I did not have enough faith to see any results for this poor little girl with so many problems. The mother told me (via the interpreter) that she felt she was NOT to have anyone other than me pray for her little girl last night. So she took the girl home. She did something that was noisy near the little girl and the deaf little girl reacted to it by becoming startled/frightened ... and that led her to test her daughter's hearing.. and the little girl was now able to hear. As the day progressed, the cataracts fell off the little girl's right eye. There was not any evidence that she could see out of it yet, but there was a dramatic visual difference in her right eye. So her mother brought her back to me for more prayer.

I prayed for her again, and did not see any measurable changes, but some interesting things did happen. The little girl (who had been unaware when I prayed for her the night before) first began having a demonic manifestation (which I rebuked, of course) and then she got slain in the spirit. While we could not measure exactly what God did, I think He must have done some more healing in her as there is no way that the blind autistic child could have known to fall down or imitate being slain in the Spirit in response to prayer. I did not count this as a healing because we could not measure it, but I believe that God did something that will manifest a little later, just like it took a while (several hours) for the hearing to come back or for the cloudy white cataracts to fall of the right eye.

We had a break from healing prayer to all attend the main meeting while Randy taught and ministered. Randy gave an altar call and an incredible number of people came forward to receive Jesus. There were so many of them that it was impossible to count, but the estimate was about 1,000 first time decisions for Christ! Then we came back to the healing tent to pray for more sick people.

Some unsaved people who did not receive Christ at the main meeting came up to me for prayer. After they were healed, they received Jesus! It was so much fun seeing God's power move and getting to lead people to the Lord. There was incredible power. Even unbelievers were getting slain in the Spirit and they were getting up healed and then giving their lives to Jesus.

Two ladies came to me holding small babies and wanted prayer for asthma for both babies. The babies were not manifesting any symptoms, so it was hard to tell if anything was happening. But the mothers shared this story, which I think will be an encouragement to Randy and last year's ministry team. Last year both mothers were barren and responded to a word of knowledge that Randy had for barren women. This year both ladies came back holding young babies in their arms! God had opened both of their wombs at last year's meeting.

A really "cool" thing was that the lady behind them in line was a young woman who wanted prayer for bareness -- she wanted God to open her womb so she could have a baby. She and her husband had been trying for a few years and even with the doctor's help, she was unable to conceive. So I asked her if she saw the two babies in line ahead of her. She said "yes." Then I told her that last year both of those mothers had been healed of bareness and now both were holding babies in their arms a year later. I told the lady that she needed to bring her back back to "next year's crusade" as a testimony of how God healed her. She readily agreed. Then I prayed and the Holy Spirit came on her and she ended up on the ground, shaking under the power and anointing of God. I could not count that as a healing either, but I really do suspect that God touched her and that she will soon be a mother!

There were so many miracles that night that I did not get a chance to write down and I can't remember all of them now. But God did open some deaf ears, and He removed several migraine headaches and restored mobility to joints that had been immobilized for a long time. He also got rid of a lot of back pain and sharp stomach pain. It was so much fun watching the expressions on people's faces when then found they could now do things that they could not do before. Also, there were two ladies with tumors that simply shrunk and seemed to disappear as I prayed for them.. the tumor was there when we started and it was gone when we finished. God is so cool!

The miracle which had the biggest impact on me that night was only a partial healing, but it was a very dramatic one... They brought me a man who was blind from birth. He had no iris or pupils on his eyes, only white with faint hint of pink where the iris belongs. The man was not a Christian. First I asked him if he wanted to receive Christ, and he said yes. So we led him to the Lord.

Then I began to pray for his eyes. I prayed a little and asked him what happened. He felt heat and tingling, but there was no change in his vision. So I prayed some more. He began to stare off into the distance as though he was in a trance and he was staring directly at one of the overhead electric lights. It took the interpretor several tries before we could get any information from him, he seemed to be in a trance. Then he said, in an awestruck voice, that he saw some light. When we looked at his eyes, the iris had formed on his right eye, but it was still white where the pupil was.

A big crowd gathered around me about then, and they were pressing into me so hard it was almost knocking me over. Everyone wanted to see what God was doing. We proceeded this way for about 1/2 hour.. praying a bit, then testing and then praying some more. The man said that all he could see was light, not shapes, but the light got very bright and clear and easy to see. When I faced him away from the light (looking outside the tent into the night), he said he could not see the light any more. When I faced him towards the light, he could see it again. This verified that he was really discerning light from dark.

I put my finger in front of his eyes (about 6 inches away) and asked if he could see it. He said no, but as I moved my finger, he followed it with his eyes. I was wondering how he could track the movement of my finger so precisely if he could not see it. (I moved it may times and patterns and he tracked all of them). The left iris never formed as clearly as the right one did. There was a purple circle but it was sort of fuzzy around the edges. The pupils of both eyes stayed white, they did not turn black.

I know it was not a total healing and I did not count it in the healing statistics, but God certainly did something dramatic. A man who was blind from birth was able to see light, to accurately discern light from dark and to follow the movement of my fingers with his eyes. And I literally watched an iris appear on one eye where it had been just white before and saw part of an iris appear on the other eye. This was so incredible. After a while, we did not seem to be getting any more results or changes, so I asked one of the Brazilian pastors who had trained as ministry team to keep praying for him and I went on to pray for someone else. I don't understand why God did not open the eye all of the way. I wish He had. He was only a partial healing, but it had a very dramatic impact on me!

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