Healing-School Mini-Course Series

by The Healing-School Leadership Core


Course 37
Healing Tidbits
(or Miscellaneous Teachings On Healing)
by Teresa Seputis

Class Materials:

  1. Course Intro
  2. Week 1 Teaching Use It Or Loose It??
  3. Week 2 Teaching Warfare And Healing
  4. Week 3 Teaching Overcoming Enemy Counter-Attacks
  5. Week 4 Teaching Physician Heal Thyself (part 1 of 2)
  6. Week 5 Teaching Physician Heal Thyself (part 2 of 2)
  7. Week 6 Teaching Healings Are Not Always Instant
  8. Week 7 Teaching Some Healings Take Time To Complete
  9. Week 8 Teaching God's Subtle Leadings
  10. Week 9 Teaching Healing And Offense
  11. Week 10 Teaching Faith And Healing
  12. Week 11 Teaching Does God Really Want To Heal Me?
  13. Week 12 Teaching Can Legitimate Healing Ministries Sometimes Do Illegitimate Things And Still Retain Their Anointing? **New (Apr 20, 2009)**

[This completes this series.]

The Healing-School Mini-Course Series is a series of short courses (teaching and discussion) on topics relevant to learning to pray and intercede effectively. These courses are offered by the Healing-School Leadership core. The current course offered in this series is: Healing Tidbits. This course is taught by Teresa Seputis It beings Monday, Feb 2, 2009 and will last for at least 4 weeks, possibly longer. A new lesson will be released on Monday of each week.

This site may "appear" to be "under construction." This is because the material will NOT be released to the WWW site until it has been emailed to the healing-school list.

To subscribe to this list, just send an email to <healing-school-join@godspeak.cc>, then follow the simple confirmation instructions that will be emailed to you. (Or, if you prefer, you can subscribe via a web page interface at http://lists.godspeak.cc/mailman/listinfo/healing-school. The system will email you simply confirmation instructions that you must follow to complete your subscription.)

We hope you will be blessed and stretched by this series of mini-courses. You can send us email at <healing-school-owner@godspeak.cc>

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