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Announcing: Breaking Expectation Barriers In Healing
The Healing School Training Mini-Course Series... a series of short classes and (teaching and discussion) that will be offered on the healing-school list. Various members of the leadership core will teach short courses on a topic relevent to praying for the sick and seeing God heal them.
current course:
- #25 Beginning Oct 9, 2006, Teresa Seputis will teach an 14 week series on
- "Breaking Expectation Barriers In Healing" (Details about this mini-course are enclosed below).
The series will continue beyond the announced course topics.
To Enrole in the Healing-School Mini-Course Series:
Simply subscribe to the healing-school list. This will automaticly enrole you in the course. Lesson material (teaching) will be sent out on the list on Mondays. All course-related discussion will be on the healing-school list.
If you are not already subscribed to the healing-school list, send email to <healing-school-join@godspeak.cc>
The first lesson in Teresa's teaching series be sent out to the healing-school list on Monday, Oct 9, 2006. To join the course, simply subscribe to the list before then.
If you are already subscribed to the healing-school list, you don't have to do anything.. you are already enrolled in this training series.
WWW Information:
- Healing-School
- http://www.godspeak.net/healing-school
- Mini-Course #25 Series
- http://www.godspeak.net/hs_lessons/hs25_index.html
Course #25 description:
(The "Healing-School" list will continue to function as it has been with other discussion as well, centered around topics pertaining to praying for the sick and healing; but in addition to the "regular stuff" we will be giving and receiving feedback about the information contained in each weeks teaching article.)
- Title:
- Breaking Expectation Barriers In Healing
- Instructor:
- Teresa Seputis
- Dates:
- Mondays, beginning Oct 9, 2006; lasts for 14 weeks.
- Course Contents/Description:
- This teaching series looks at how we can develop wrong expectations about healing and how God wants to correct those expectations--God has many different ways He likes to heal and He doesn't want us to get stuck in a rut of expecting Him to heal in just one certain way.
We will look at the role of medicine in healing. God doesn't only heal supernaturally, at times He chooses to heal through mecidine, doctors and the medical profession. There are actually a lot of verses in the Bible about this and this teaching looks at them. This teaching will include testimonies of God healing people through medicine and how it is still very much God's hand--it is not an either/or situationi--it is not a matter of medicine or God, but it is God healing through medicine. It will also look at the role of discontinuing medicine "in faith" and obedience to a direct command from God. It will also exampline how to go off of medicine once you have been healed.
It will look at God's character and how healing the sick is part of His very nature. It will also look at God's holy nature and how a lifestyle of sin and rebellion can bring the the curse of disobedience (sickness) into our lives. When we are under the curse because of sin or rebellion against God, that sin/rebellion has to be dealt with before we can be healed. It will look at how the blood of Jesus helps us in that situation, beause it has the power to break the power of sin and death in our lies.
It also looks at the role of prayer and intercession in physical healing. God heals people when we intercede for them, and He also heals us when we pray to Him and ask Him to.
In addition, it looks at the role of non-physical factors in physical healing, such as sin, guilt, forgiveness, etc. It looks at the role that the demonic realm plays in causing sickness and what that means to us when we minister healing. It also looks at the role faith plays in healing, and at strategies for eleminating disbelief and forstering faith.
The main purpose of this teaching series is to help us push past the mental and expectation barriers that prevent us from experiencig God's perfect and complete will in healing.
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