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Date: September 29, 2003

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                             Word of Life

The words I speak over you are words of life, and not words of death.
They are words of acceptance, not words of condemnation.  

Little one, who is it that comes to steal and kill and destroy?  It is
not I, but the evil one.  I am come that you might have life and that
your life might be abundant and full of My love and My joy and My peace
and My grace.  The enemy of your soul wants to steal the joy that I give
to you.  He wants to rob you of your place in Me and to make you feel 
inferior and separated from Me with his lies of condemnation.  But I came 
to close the gap between man and God -- that gap was caused by sin and
I have atoned for that sin and broken its power over you.  I have come 
that you might experience My forgiveness and My cleansing, in order that 
you can abide in Me.  I have placed My Spirit of life within you that you 
might be filled with My life and that you might walk in My power and
in My anointing; that you might do with Me the things that the Father
is doing.

So do not listen to the enemy's words of condemnation and death.  Listen
instead to My words of life.  I have spoken them to you in many ways. They
are deeply rooted and established in My written word.  Trust that word,
for I do not change and I do not lie.  And what I have spoken in My word,
the Bible, is truth and it cannot lead you astray.  And what was it that
I said?  I said, in Romans 8:1, there is therefore now no condemnation to
those who abide in Me.  So when the enemy tries to condemn you, who will
you believe? Will you believe his word or My Word? And when your own heart
rises up against you to condemn you, will you discard what I have said
about you in My word?  Or will you choose to believe Me and the words I
have spoken over you?

And I have spoken my words of life to you in the prophetic words that are
being released through My servants, the prophets.  My prophets speak words
of life to My own.  It is true that there are corrupted ones who call 
themselves prophets but they are not from Me.  Those ones speak words of 
condemnation and death over various ones of My committed servants.  But I 
say to you that these are not of Me and they do not speak for Me.  For,
as I have already said, there is no condemnation to those who abide in Me.

I do not speak death over My own, I speak life.  Have I not promised to 
keep you and raise you up again on the last day, if you are one who My 
Father has sent to Me?  Yes, indeed I have promised this to you in John
6:38-40.  If you are Mine, you abide in Me and I know you and I will indeed
keep you and I will not allow the enemy of your soul to snatch you from
My hand.  I will not condemn you, though I may judge and evaluate your
actions and your behaviors and even the attitudes of your heart.  Some will 
be rewarded for obedience that arises from a heart that loves Me and is 
committed to honor Me.  And some will be rebuked for disobedience, and 
these one may loose their rewards, but none of My own will be condemned. 
I do not condemn those who I have saved though the pain of My stripes and 
the shedding of My own life's blood.  I will not pronounce death on those 
who I died to give life to.  I will not cast away those who the Father 
gives to Me, those who come to Me and who believe on Me and who receive 
My gift of salvation.  

Little one, if you do poorly and sincerely repent, I will not push you 
away and I will not condemn you.  You will experience My forgiveness as
fully as on the day when you first believed.  The power of the My death
and resurrection is not voided in your life because you have a moment 
of weakness or because you hold back in fear.  I do not push away those 
who run back to Me, who repent before Me and who desire My lordship in 
their lives.  No, I will not push you away.  

I may have words of correction to help you get on the right path.  I may 
have "suggestions" to help you overcome.  But I will not speak words of 
condemnation to you when you run back to Me.  I will receive you and I 
will cleanse you and I will fill you and I will empower you to walk in 
My ways and I will give you the victory over the things that beset you.  
If you invite Me to, I will even transform the desires of your heart, so 
that the sins that are tempting to you will become repugnant to you.  I 
will transform your thinking patters and I will cause you to desire the 
things that I desire and distain the things that I distain.

My words over you are words of life and words of hope.