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Date: Sep 16, 2004

This word is submitted by Jim Clapper (jclapper@techteam.com)


                      God's Church

My church, you are spending too much time in idle slumber or fighting
yourself (differing denominations arguing over minor issues). I am
sending a wake-up call that will stir you out of this slumber. The 
enemy is on the move and you, My church, must rise up with power to 
be a force against him.  Now is the time to declare a new war on the 
enemy, his strongholds in this world must be brought down. My Spirit 
will move through My church so they can rise up to face this foe.

My church, you have lost sight of your first mission, which is to go 
into the world and preach My name. I am renewing this call upon you 
and new outpouring of My spirit is going to fall upon My people. 

The offices of the church will be re-established: prophets, apostles, 
teachers, and preachers shall rise up and be anointed by My spirit to 
fulfill this call.  My people, repent of your ways and seek Me and 
receive what I am about to do.  You have expected the world to come to 
you for too long.  Now, My church must become a place for My people to 
go to be edified and trained, to go into the world, to preach My name. 
Some will be called to go to their families, others to their cities and 
others to distant places. 

My church must be restored to it's function to reach the world. My 
Spirit shall empower My church as in the days of the apostles to once 
more fulfill this call.