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Date: September 4, 2006

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]


           Accepted In The Beloved

Child of Mine, allow Me to bind up your wounds.  I see the pain that you
are in.  I see the times you pretend you are fine when you know that you
are not.  I see the times you push away those who might help you. I see
when you put up defensive walls and pretend that you don't need help from
anyone--meanwhile you feel alone and small and undesirable.  You say that
all is well with you when you know it is not.

Child of Mine, you may not realize it, but you are pushing Me away when
you do these things.  You see, I am the God of all truth, and I live in
the light.  Denial is falsehood and darkness.  When you are in desperate
inner need but pretend to be strong, you live a lie--and that lie pulls
you out of My healing light. It thrusts you into the darkness and bondage
of the enemy of your soul.  You think that you have to be perfect to be
loved, so you try to conceal your flaws for fear that you won't be

Dear child, you have no idea how accepted you are in The Beloved. I see
every one of your flaws and I know every thing you try to keep hidden.
I am the God who knows all things; you might lie to others and even to
yourself, but you cannot lie to Me.  Child, I know who you are and I
love you.  I will not push you away, nor will I reject you.

I know and understand that you have been hurt one time too many by
those who you thought you could trust. I know you have been unfairly
rejected and poorly treated and falsely accused. I know you have been
misunderstood.  I know that there are times when you look at yourself
and you don't like what you see--and you assume that others could not
like it either.  Child, I understand the pain that you have faced and
I understand the hurt that fills your heart at times.

In the midst of all of that, I am calling you to walk in My way.  My way
is not the world's way. The world's way is to raise up defensive barriors,
to take care of yourself and to protect yourself. The world's way is to
conceal your faults and weaknesses and to try to fit into the mold of what
you think you should be. But My way is different.

Child, I want you to trust that I love you and believe that I will not
reject you.  I will not push you away, discard you, or disqualify you. I
want you to know that you are safe with Me, even though you feel small
and dirty and unworthy.  Child, the blood of My Son was shed for you and
it covers every flaw you could possibly present to Me.  You are accepted
in the beloved.  Yes Child, know you are deeply and fully loved.

I also want you to put your trust in Me.  I want you to give Me your
defensive barriors and your protection mechanisms, because I want to
dismantle them. I want to remove them from you. Do not be terrified at
that prospect, for I will not throw you to the wolves; I will take care
of you. Child I want you to give Me ownership of your self-protection--let
Me be in charge of that. I can do a much better job than you do. I will
transform you from the inside out and I will make you fully secure in My
great love for you.

I do not promise that you will never be hurt or rejected or misunderstood
or misjudged again.  But I do promise that I will put My strength within
you to sustain you through these things.  I do promise that their power
to destroy you will be broken, and you will be able to stand firm in Me.
I do promise to be with you in all things and to comfort you.  I will draw
you into deeper measures of intimacy with Me as I dismantle these protective
barriors.  You don't need them--they separate you from Me.  I will surround
you with My presence and sustain you with My tangible nearness. I will
guard your heart and will make your spirit strong in Me.  I will give you
My peace and My joy and I will sustain you with My love.

So put away the pretense and make yourself vulnerable to the transforming
 ministry of My Spirit. Let go of the darkness and stop trying to hide who 
you really are.  Come into My light and allow My love to sustain you. Allow
Me to flood you with My presence and My healing.

Come to Me Child, vulnerable and yielded.  Come and learn how much you are
accepted in The Beloved.