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Date: September 1, 2006

This word is submitted by Alex Leong [alexkleong@yahoo.com]


                     Restoration and Reactivation

I saw a vision of a hand reaching into the freezer of a refrigerator, then
it pulled out the entire continent of South America. It started to feel warm
in the hand. I sense the Lord say:

"What have My people put away in their freezer? What callings and gifts have
they stored away, forgotten and let grow cold over the years because of
discouragement, inconvenience and fear?

"This is the day, this is the time to reclaim them, pull them out of the
freezer and feel them warm up in your hands. I will warm them in your hands
and in your heart. I will let them grow hot again like a fire. I am restoring
and re-activating. I can set fire onto a drenched and even cold sacrifice,
just as I did for Elijah to show My faithfulness and power!

"Say 'Here I am, use me again,' and see what I will surely do.

"You who I have called to preach, you who I have called to prophesy, you who
I have called to lead, you who I have called to teach, you who I have called
to heal the sick, you who I am sending to the nations--reclaim your calling
and your gifts. I am restoring. I am reactivating. I have not forgotten you.

"Your age does not matter to Me. Your condition does not matter to Me. But
your unrealized dreams, your unfulfilled calling--they matter to Me.  They
cause Me to weep for you, for I know your sadness and your pain.

"Come to Me and let Me restore you. Rest and receive in this hour. I pour My
oil of gladness and power upon you. See, even now, I am laying a scepter
before you. Pick it up and hold it high. This is your calling. I am
reactivating you when you lift this scepter high in your heart, My mighty
warrior! Give praise. I ignite the fire.

"Go forth and say, 'Here I am. I am sent!'"