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Date: August 26, 2003

This word is submitted by Deb Okereke (healingfire@shaw.ca)


                          Fire of Holiness

My Children, you can call My fire down from Heaven -- but know what you 
are asking! You can call down My glory but know what you are asking! I 
am grieved when My Children want to play with My fire, for many take it 
lightly.  Do you know what you are asking Me for when you ask Me for 
"more," when you ask me to make it hotter?

My fire is a fire of holiness, uncompromising holiness, My fire is a fire 
of purity. I am a consuming fire! When you ask for My fire, you are asking
for Me to do a mighty work of refining  in your hearts and lives. You
are asking Me to consume all that is of the flesh, you are asking Me to
burn it all away.  And as it does, it is a sweet fragrance in My nostrils,
for it is the smell of death -- death to self. It is a pleasing sacrifice.

You have said that you want to hear from My heart. Well My heart cries out 
for a pure and holy bride, a chaste bride who does not drink at the 
cisterns of the world, but from the pure river of life; a bride who is 
consumed with passion for her Bridegroom. The fire in My eyes blazes for 
My Bride, it blazes for you.  I would that your passion would burn 
brighter and hotter for Me.  It pleases Me when My children genuinely 
seek for the fire of God in their lives, knowing what they are asking for, 
knowing  that they have asked a difficult thing.  But you have counted the 
cost, and thrown caution to the wind and with reckless abandon you have 
invited My fire to come upon you and burn until it is a fire that is out 
of control -- refining, purifying, cleansing, purging, changing you from 
glory to glory. 

You will never be the same once you have known My fire, once you have 
allowed Me to rain it upon you in a flood, once you let Me have My way. 
I desire to perfect you in holiness. 

Do you desire to know the fire of My glory? Then climb the mountain of 
My holiness, there you shall find My fire in My presence. This is not a 
game, this is serious business. If you want My fire, call it down!!!