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Date: August 25, 2003

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                           My Fire

When you pray for My fire, you are asking for My holiness to increase
in the environment that surrounds you.  For I am a holy God and the
things that I touch and use are Holy, they are set apart for Me without
spot or blemish.  I am a God of purity and truth and when you ask for
My fire, you ask for Me to shine My light into your darkness and expose
and dispel the things within you that are unholy and impure.  

It is good to ask Me to send My fire, for that is how I purify and 
cleanse.  Did I not have one of My seraphim take a coal from the fire 
and touch it to the lips of My chosen spokesman, Isaiah? Was that not 
in response to his confession that he was a man of unclean lips?  His 
confession was true indeed, he was a man of unclean lips -- for no 
human is without sin before Me.  That is why I responded by sending 
My fire to purify and sanctify him before Me -- that is why I had My 
seraphim take a coal from My altar and touch it to his lips.  And what
was his response as soon as he was cleansed and purified by My fire?
It was "Here I am Lord, send Me."

You see, My fire is what prepares My servants for My service.  There is
pain in the fire, as it burns away the carnal things and the sinful
nature and the unholiness.  My fire is not merely a sensation of heat
as My anointing comes upon you in a meeting -- it is My Holy Spirit 
working within you to convict you of the things that you must let go 
of in order to embrace Me more fully.  My fire is for the cleansing of
My servants, that they might be pure and holy before Me. My fire is 
intense and it is unrelenting, to remove impurity and to burn away 

It is true that the shed blood of My Son forgives sin, yet I require that 
there be a change within My servants that goes beyond the forgiveness of 
sin.  There must be a transformation where your very nature is changed,
through My indwelling Holy Spirit, to conform to the nature of My Son.
The shed blood of My Son covers you to remove the effect of sin upon you,
and My indwelling Holy Spirit rises up from within you to exchange your
sinful nature for My nature, to exchange your sinful character for My
character and to make you more like Me.  For I am holy and I require that
you become holy as well.  My indwelling Holy Spirit brings conviction and 
He brings change to accompany that conviction.  This is a process that I 
work in each of My children.  But it is not My fire.  

My fire comes when you present yourself for My service, dedicated to obey 
Me and set aside for My use, committed to do My agenda instead of your 
own.  At that point, I do an intense preparation within the hearts of My 
dedicated servants to cleanse them of the things that hinder them from 
serving Me.  This is an intense work and it is often an uncomfortable work
in the heart of those who seek to serve Me.  My fire is hot and it cleanses
and burns away the chaff in your heart and in your life.  My fire is
unrelenting -- you cannot decide it is too hot part way through and say
"enough of this, let's stop now."  For once I start the purification process
within the heart and mind of My servant, I do not do half of a work, I
do not do an incomplete job.  My fire is complete, it touches every area
and every attitude where there is sin or rebellion.  I look at the motives
of the heart, and I expose and burn away wrong motives.  My fire is intense,
to the point where most of My servants wonder if they will survive the 
flame of My fire.  Yet I do not send My fire to destroy My servants, but to
prepare them.  My fire is not for a passing moment, but it is a work that 
I do to bring forth holiness in the hearts and lives of My committed 

Do you still want to pray for Me to send My fire to you?  Do you want to
enter into the process, with Me, of being transformed?  Do you want Me
to work My holiness in your life?

My fire is also the presence of My angels to work with you.  For I have 
said in My word that your God "makes His angels spirits, His ministers a 
flame of fire." When I send My fire to you, I increase My heavenly 
activity in your midst.  And with that fire comes the activity of My 
other servants, the angels.  They are also holy and set apart for My
service, and they do serve at My command.  When I send My fire, I also 
send My angels to walk beside you, to strengthen you, to release My
anointings upon you, to bring you to new depths of worship, to guide
and to protect you.

With My fire comes My commissioning, and with that comes the anointing
and empowerment for you to do with Me what I am doing.  If you want My
anointing and My authority and My power in your life, you must also invite
My fire and My purification.  For you cannot have one without the other.