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Date: June 29, 2009

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]


                         Faithful One
Child of Mine, I am the Faithful One, and I will be faithful to you. 
I want you to learn to trust Me with the things you hold so precious 
and dear--for when you learn to put your trust in Me, you will not 
be disappointed. I know that, at times, it is hard for you at to let 
go of those things that you hold so dear, that you might place them 
into My hand. I also know that, at times, it is hard for you give up 
control to Me, because it is hard to trust someone else to work on 
your behalf for your good. But I want you to trust Me anyhow, because
I am faithful and true.

Yes dear one, I am trustworthy and I am good, and you can trust Me. 
I have loved you with an everlasting love, and My plans for you are 
good. Yes, I really do want to give you good things, and I want to 
do good things for you. I am your loving Father, and I do take care 
of My own. I want to pour out My goodness upon you, but you must let
Me do so, by placing your trust in Me.

(Do you see how I am using the word "good" over and over? That is 
because My plans for you really are good. I want to show you in My 
goodness--so that My grace, mercy and protection might overtake you 
and rest upon you.)

Dear one, I want to make it real to you just how faithful and 
dependable I am. I want you to "take a risk" and begin to trust in 
Me. If you do this, you will not be disappointed, for I will take 
care of you and I will meet every one of your needs. 

I am faithful, dear one. You don't have to "earn" My faithfulness 
based on your behavior or on the merit of your deeds, for it is My 
nature to be faithful to My own. That is Who I am, and I want to 
reveal this part of Myself to you. I want to make it so completely 
and totally real to you that you can indeed depend on Me. 

So learn to put your trust in Me, dear one, and watch Me come through 
for you. I am faithful, and those who trust in Me will never be 