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Date: June 26, 2009

This word is submitted by Nichole Marbach [Praisehim4ever70@aol.com]


                     Overflowing Joy

My child, come into My presence. Come spend time with Me, for I love 
to have fun with My children. I will fill you with My joy and I will
even make you laugh. I delight when you draw close to Me, yes, it 
brings Me much joy to have times of fellowship with you. So come, 
dear child, and let Me fill you with My joy. 

I was filled with joy when I thought of you before the foundations 
of the world. I was filled with joy at the thought of the redemption
that My Son purchased for you, so that you could have a rich 
inheritance right now--an abundant life filled with unspeakable joy 
and communion with Me.

There is no condemnation in My presence, only joy. There is no anger 
in My presence, only joy. There is no guilt or shame in My presence, 
only joy. My Son took all that for you on the cross, so that you could 
be filled with My joy. 

If you lack joy, then come into My presence and I will fill you to 
the overflow with My unending joy. Come, let's have fun together. 
Come, let's laugh together. Let us have joy in spending time together.

Come and be filled.