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Date: May 21, 2010

This word is submitted by Mitzi Busby [mitzibusby12@gmail.com]


                          Ready Yourself

Ready yourself for victory, for breakthrough into new and greater 
things! You have not been this way before, nor have you seen what is 
about to unfold before you. This outpouring has been long awaited and 
will exceed anything you have thought or asked of Me. 

Ready yourself for breakthrough. Climb higher so that you can get a 
good view of what lies ahead. You will forget what lies behind you, 
the former struggles and pains. They will have no sting.

My strength is rising up within you.  Arise in My power and might and 
be ready for victory! Refuse to listen to the enemy's lies of defeat.  
You are an overcomer. You are victorious. 

I have decreed it and it is so.