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Date: May 14, 2004

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                     Possess Your Promised Land

Child of Mine, I am calling you to possess your promised land. Did you
think it would be easy and effortless? Did you expect you destiny to be
handed to you on a silver platter?  I say to you, this is seldom the case.

Take notice of the children of Israel. I gave them the land that I 
promised to them, but they had to fight to possess it.  I was with them
in the battle and I caused them to be victorious. But I would not go 
before them and fight in their stead -- I required them to enter into
the battle with Me, that they might possess their inheritance.

Take notice of My servant David.  I anointed him as king and I gave 
him the nation of Israel to rule.  But the crown was not immediately 
handed to him by a willing Saul.  Rather, David faced many difficulties 
and perils for a long time.  Even though I had anointed him as king, 
the kingdom did not come into his hands immediately. There were battles
to be fought. There were many hardships to endure.  My chosen king of  
Israel had to run for his life, he had to hide in the mountains.  He
had to persevere for many years before he fully possessed the kingdom
that I had promised to him.

My destiny is certain, but My timing to accomplish it is not always 
what you anticipate.  My way is sure, but it is not as you expect it to
be.  For I will cause you to be tested, and I will require that you
persevere and overcome. I cannot give you a victory if you do not enter
the battle, for you must fight before you can win. Know that I am with
you and that I have called you and that My promises are sure and certain.
Yet know that I will often allow many struggles and discouragements into
your path as you follow me.  Joseph was destined to be a mighty ruler, 
but he had to first be a slave and a prisoner.  Abraham was destined to 
be the father of a nation, but he remained childless for many years.

Child, I also have a destiny for you. But if you would possess your
promised land, you must be willing to fight for it.  You must not give
up in the face of overwhelming odds. You must not quit when discouragement
comes your way. You must press into the vision I have given you even 
when others cannot see it.  For if you will step forward in faith,
I will walk with you.  And if you will enter the battle, I will fight
with you. And if you persevere, I will cause you to overcome. For I
am with you and in Me you can do all things. 

So do not give up when discouragement sets it.  Press on. Keep going.
Keep fighting. Look to Me and follow Me.  I promise you that there will
be difficulties and trials and hardships and seeming defeats as you
follow Me. Ignore them and press on.  Look at Paul, who I sent to the 
nations -- he was not always welcomed with open arms. There were riots 
and there were stonings and there were times when he had to flee in 
secrecy and there were times where many conspired to kill him.  Yet I was 
with him and My kingdom advanced through Him.  My way is not always easy.  
My way is not always convenient. But My way is sure and your victory is 
assured if you will persist and obey and not lose heart. 

Child of Mine, I have a destiny for you. Press on to it. Do not give
up, do not lose heart. Know that no difficulty can prevent you from
entering into all that I have for you. Know that no barrier can keep
you from what I have called you to be if you will press on and if you
will fight with Me to possess your promised land.  Do not look at the
circumstances. Look to Me, and I will see you through to victory.  For
I am able to accomplish all that I have ordained in your life and I
will bring you into My victory as you follow and obey Me. Know that
I am with you. Cross over your River Jordan and enter into your 
promised land.  Prepare to fight for the inheritance I have given you,
and in due time you shall surely possess it.