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Date: May 13, 2004

This word is submitted by James Donovan (JDono78832@aol.com)


         Time To Awaken, And Go Forth

This is the year of much fruit, many souls, for My glory.
It is time to awaken; shrug off the complacency.
Arise and go forth by My Spirit, My anointing.
This is the year that I am releasing My Joshuas
to go to the nations, to proclaim My Word; set the captives free.

I am raising up a people to take My sword, to go to the nations.
Where there were closed doors, many doors will be opened.
Many are hungry for My manna, so awaken out of slumber.
Get ready, fasten your seat belts; get ready to take My explosive Word.
I am releasing My fivefold ministry, to go forth and equip the saints.

Many will be cleansed and touched, by My explosive Word, My anointed Word.
These are the days of harvest; this year will be a year of reaping.
So go forth My Joshuas, go possess the land, it is ready.
Yes, many are thirsty, hungry, and need a touch of My Word, My anointing.
By My Spirit, you shall see many miracles, signs and wonders.

My desire is none shall perish. 
So go and proclaim My Word to the nations!
I am moving, by My Spirit, across the world, 
from the north, west, east and south.
There will be a mighty outpouring of My glory! 
I am expelling darkness.
So arise, put on My armor, go possess the land My messengers.
I have set you free to flow in My gifts to go set the captives free.
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is much liberty!

I am releasing many this year to go forth and proclaim My truths!