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This word is submitted by Colette Mills (Millscol@aol.com)

The Harvest

In a vision I was standing in a field of corn and Jesus came along and said to me "I want to show you something this morning". We walk through the corn and at first impression the field looks beautiful but as we move through the corn I see that some is damaged and some is bound tightly. We move a bit further through the field and I see a scythe that is used to cut the corn, there is blood on it and it is overgrown with weeds. As we move further into the field I see some machinery and I realise that it is a Combine Harvester - this too is overgrown. I ask the Lord why are these not being used and I felt this to be the answer: Man has tried to pull in the harvest himself. The damaged corn represents the harvest being brought in before it is ready and got damaged in the process. The tied corn represents those who are bound in their sin and need to be released first. (This is a big field and it seems to go on forever, I believe that this is representing the end times harvest of souls.) The scythe represents mans hand trying to do it alone and it chops and hacks at the corn. The corn ends up not being taken up but being left on the floor, trampled. The Combine Harvester represents mans arrogance in thinking that he has the more advanced perfect tools for bringing in the harvest. So man goes into the field and finds that the harvester just chops the corn into little pieces.

So what do we do? I ask the Lord. He says "I am the Lord of the Harvest. I will bring in the harvest in the blink of an eye, with no effort, with no damage to my people. I know the right and perfect time for this harvest, stop trying to go ahead of Me. I hold the keys to the gates of this field. Seek Me and Me alone, keep your eyes fixed on Me. I will show you when and how. I am looking for intimacy with My church, we need to know one another, our likes and our dislikes. We need to spend time in each others company in courtship and romance to see how we fit together. My passion is for you my church and all the people represented in this field. I do not want to see a single ear of corn fall by the wayside. Come and delight in me, when you know My heart you will not need tools at harvest time. We will walk side by side, picking bunches with our hands. The corn will be picked tenderly by hands and not by machinery. I am the Lord of the Harvest."

Then I saw the corn blowing in the wind and seeds were blowing out of the ears of corn and landing in adjacent fields, these were for the next stage of the harvest. There the vision ended.

I would encourage anyone who reads this word to first weigh it with the Lord. I believe this is a strong word for the whole church to take our hands off and focus on Him.

Blessings to you

Colette Mills