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This word is submitted by Jack McKinstry

Arise to Prayer

Arise to prayer, my children. Set yourselves to the task of prayer. Endeavor to cover every aspect of church life with prayer. Consider every ministry and every activity. Then see that they are consistently covered with prayer.

Select from among yourselves those who will give themselves to the endeavor of prayer. Equip and encourage them in this endeavor. Know that their prayers shall be heard on high. Know that their prayers shall demolish strongholds of darkness and evil. Know that their prayers shall provide the requisite power for breakthrough.

The Lord on high stands ready to empower the prayers of the saints. The Spirit of God roams across the land seeking those who will give themselves to prayer for the church of Jesus Christ. The conclusion of the age is in sight. The Spirit of God seeks those who will align themselves with His ministry for this hour.

The Holy Spirit shall move mightily through the prayers of the saints. Hear, then, what the Spirit is saying to the churches of the land. Shake off all distractions. Set aside your slothful habits of prayerlessness. Arise as one in unity and pray, pray down the power and presence of God into your midst.

The Lord stands ready, willing, and able to display Himself through the church to the world around you. He waits for you to pray what He already wants to do. He waits for you to hear His plea. He waits for you to hear His voice. He waits for you to see His planned purpose. He waits for you! You have not because you ask not. You have not because you ask amiss.

Let the priesthood of the believers arise, take up their stations in the holy of holies, and pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Give Him no rest for He yearns to arise on the wings of your prayers to accomplish His will for this time and season.

You provide the platform and He shall arise from within you. You provide the receptivity and He shall provide the responsiveness. Offer yourselves to this endeavor and He shall mount up as on eagle's wings from within your midst. He shall thus overshadow you in Spirit and bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hearken to what the Spirit is saying to the churches of this land.