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Date: May 8, 2006

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org) 


                        I Will Heal Your Wounds

Some of My children make a much bigger thing out of their inadequacies, 
short comings and wounds than I do.  They look at that as a disqualifying 
things, fearing that they have been disqualified and discarded as "damaged 
goods." I tell you that this is not the case, it is not how I operate.

Child, I am in the business of healing and restoring.  Haven't you read in 
My word how I promised to bind up your wounds?*  Do you think this is a 
hard thing for Me to do?  I say to you child, it is not.

I will bind up your wounds and heal you. I will transform you from within,
that you might become new in Me.  I don't just cover up problems or issues,
I remove them completely from your life and I break their power over you.
I make you sparkling clean, just as though you had never been damaged or 
dirtied in the first place.  

I don't want you to learn to tolerate or live with torment or oppression, 
I want to set you completely free from it.  I am not looking for you to 
conceal your shortcomings, instead I want to strip them off of you and 
remove them completely from you.  I want to place My own Spirit and My own 
glory and My own love upon you in their place.  Where you have been wronged 
in the past, I want to empower you to do good to others.  Where you have 
been in captivity, I will not only set you free--I will also make you a
warrior who breaks that same type of bondage off of others, who sets them 
free from the oppression of the devil.  

I have destined you to live in victory and joy and peace, and to walk close 
beside Me.  Do not fear the wounds of the past, for I am breaking off their 
power to torment you in the present. I am also breaking off their power to 
influence you in the future.  I am pronouncing My healing and My deliverance 
upon you, and it shall surely come to pass.  I am brushing aside very 
inadequacy that the devil would accuse you with; I am putting My Spirit 
within you and I am putting and My anointing upon you. 

Do not dismay, child but trust Me to do this in you.   You long for an 
instant deliverance but many times I work through a process, over a period 
of time.  Yes, it does take time, but growing and maturing also take time.  
This is really no different, I am simply growing you in your emotional 
health and stability.  I am doing a good work in you, and I am healing 
your wounds and setting you in a place of victory. 

You shall surely overcome through Me, for I am able to do this for you.  
Yes, child, I am already restoring you, and I will not stop doing so until 
I have completed this process in your life.  Look up and rejoice, for I 
will fully heal your wounds and set My glory upon you.

*Hos 6:1