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Date: Apr 22, 2002

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                     Strength for the Weary Servant

Child, there are times when you become so busy serving Me that you forget
to spend time with Me.  When this happens, the task becomes more important
than your relationshp with Me.  This is not a good thing, child of Mine.
Yes, the task is important, for I have given you real kingdom work to do.
But do not think that you can do it in your own strength or from your
own resources.  For I say unto you, it must come from Me and My anointing
or it will come to naught.

Allow Me to lift that false burdon off of you that drives you to focus on
the task and away from Me.  Come to Me for refershement and rejuvenation.
Have I not said in My word, "They that wait upon the Lord will renew their
strength?"  I say to you, that I want to be your strenght and your source.
In fact, there is no other source to which you can turn. It is possible
to serve Me in My strenght, to come into My presence and be refreshed.
It is not possible to serve Me well if you try to do it any other way.
I am calling you to do with Me what I am doing.  I am not calling you to
do it on your own, I am calling you to do it with Me.  Have I not said,
"Apart from Me, you can do nothing."  Child, when you focus on the task 
instead of on the One Who gave you that task, you are doing it apart from
Me.  You cannot succeed that way, for without Me you can do nothing.  I say 
to you, it is time to drop the business and run to Me for refreshing.  Draw 
neight onto Me.  Get clarity and direction from Me.   Watch what I am doing 
and do it with Me.  Do not try to do it for Me when I am not doing it.

I desire to give strength to the weary, that you not become weary in doing
well.  I desire to refresh and to refocus and to draw you into greater depths
of intimacy with Me.   For I am your strength and I am your source and,
truely, you can do nothing apart from Me.  Do not try.  Watch what the 
Father is doing, for that you can do with Him.  Know Me, worship Me, dwell
in My presense and be refreshed.  Out of that place of refreshment, out of
that place of intimacy, will come the power and the anointing that you so
earnerstly desire.  For it is My desire to pour My strength into you as you
draw near to Me. It is My good pleasure to refresh you and to restore your 
spirit.  It is My good pleasure to strengthen you and to lift you up in 
Me. It is My pleasure to call you to greater depths of intimacy with Me
that I might manifest more of Myself to you.  Child, it is My good pleasure
to set you free from the false burdon of focusing on the task to the true
pleasure of focusing on Me.  And as you draw near to me, I will strengthen 
you.  I will give strength to My weary servants and lift them up to new
places of relationship and intimacy with Me.