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Date: Apr 18, 2002

This word is submitted by Patrick Mcbane (MCBANEP@PIOS.com)


			Shall we gather at the River?

This next move of God is a river glorious.  It will run with a current of
purity.  It will run with abandon.  It will run with clarity and
understanding, says the Lord.  This river flows from the Heart of God the
Father.  This river is cutting through every paradigm and current mindset
that does not rely, call upon, defer, establish and promote the Son of God -

This is My river, says the Lord.  This is not man's river.  That river is
polluted and contaminated.   This river is pure and everything grows that
touches it and that it touches.  This growth is not for personal gain but
for eternal gain, says the Lord.  This growth will come quickly and with
great frequency.  This is Kingdom growth.

This river washes clean.  This river brings healing and strength, restoration 
and release.  Shall we gather at the river?  Yes.  Yes.  And yes again.  
Gather in My Presence, says the Lord.  Come together at the river of life.  
For this is where I am.  

I am current,(as in running, flowing, presently elapsing, occurring in or
existing at the present time).  Not past.  This I am - current is today.
Now is the time.  Not yesterday, not even so far into the future that you
find yourself preoccupied with what could be.  Get into the current, the I
am, the now, says the Lord.  I must sweep over you and take you where I need
you to be.  No light, no lamp, no manufactured illumination is necessary.
My Presence is where you need to be, says the Lord.  I am here.  Step toward
the banks.  The changeless God is about to change you.  

I will mark you with the distinguishing mark.  My Presence.  This is what
will change you.  This is what will bless you.

Oh Lord, Wash me in the River of Your Presence!

Patrick McBane