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Date: April 15, 2004

This word is submitted by Elvi Glass (yael062005@yahoo.com)


                          Watch and Pray

My children, watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The 
enemy prowls around like a lion looking for an opportunity to deceive and 
lure you away from Me. Be on your guard and do not neglect your time spent 
with Me. Do not neglect your time spent in prayer and intercession. 

I am looking for those who would stand in the gap for those who can't. I am 
asking you to hold up the arms of your weary brethren in intercession for 
them like Moses' arms were held up by Aaron and Hur, so that he would not 
tire and so that the battle could continue. 

Now I am raising up the tabernacle of David, My anointed one. I am raising 
up My house of prayer. Come and join with those who are already standing 
in the gap. Come and unite in unity and faith so that I am able to work My 
miracles, signs and wonders through My body.  There is no room for disputes. 
There is no room for the one who remains isolated. All must work together 
as one for I am One. I am One God. We are not divided, and neither should 
you be divided.  So, watch what you speak and watch what you confess, even 
in prayer.  You must guard what comes out of your mouth, for I am anointing 
you to speak My oracles.  Be sure that what you confess lines up with My 
word. Be sure that what you confess will not open a door to the enemy. 

My words will come out of your mouth like fire, for I am a consuming fire.