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Date: April 14, 2004

This word is submitted by Loleen Denney (mdenney@wyoming.com)


      The Power Is In The Shed Blood Of Jesus

When My body was broken, it broke the power of the declaration of death 
over you.  Sickness has no right of declaration any longer.  You must 
wave that declaration before the enemy and declare it no longer valid.  
You give it validity by agreeing with what goes on in your body and 
taking ownership.  Yes, your body will be buffeted by the enemy, but 
My declaration of "you are healed" has replaced the old declaration.  
You must believe My declaration is now valid and the enemy's invalid.  

As each piece of My Body was broken, the life in it was released to 
overcome death.  Where there is My life, there can be no death.  The 
life was in My blood. As My blood flowed, My life was released.  That 
life has the power to overcome sickness and death.  The enemy has taught 
you that there is more power in His death than in My life.  That is a 
lie birthed in the heart of the father of lies.  Everything he says is 
the opposite of My truth.  

Strengthen your faith My people.  Believe the truth, "By My stripes you 
are healed."  Allow the life of My blood to flow freely over your wounds 
and sicknesses.  Allow your mind to comprehend My life.  Yes, I died on 
the cross; yes, I bore your diseases, and yes, you have suffered because 
of the lord of this world.  But I tell you I am the Lord of life and I 
am the Lord over death.  You must appropriate the power of the life of 
My blood. 
I have given you the authority and right to do that by My conquering of 
death.  Walk in My life, My authority, My power.  Use My Name.  Use the 
power of My blood.  

No foe should be able to stand long against you when you use the keys I 
went to hell to retrieve on your behalf.  Your flesh listens to the lies 
of the adversary.  Your spirit should be overruling that and listening to 
My truth.  There is power in My blood.  The life is in My blood.  That is 
why the enemy has tricked you.  He knows the power, is afraid of the power, 
and therefore has lied to you about the power.  Use the power of My shed 
blood as a mighty weapon against your foe.  Use My declaration of life 
to replace the enemy's declaration of death.