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Date: Apr 3, 2002

This word is submitted by Fred Kelly (FREDKELLY@prodigy.net)


                     The Coming Harvest Requires Boldness

When you allow My Spirit to fill you says the Lord, and allow it to rise unto 
the surface, it shall pierce the darkness, says the Lord.  For within My 
Spirit there is power, and there is strength, and there is an anointing that 
carries forth My light that shines upon the face of the earth.  

For you are My chosen people that I have called into My presence, and I call 
a people that will be bold and step forth in the presence and the power 
of My anointed spirit, says the Lord.  For when you do that, I am well 
pleased with you says God.  

For this is the year of 2002, and in this year I shall declare there shall 
be a great harvest says God.  For there shall be a harvest of many fold that 
comes in.  For I say unto you this day, pray that the harvesters arise, arise 
harvesters, arise and go for the Presence of My Spirit.  For My word shall 
pierce the heart says God.  It is My word within you that goes forth to 
carry the light, that will draw men, women, and children unto Me.  I shall 
touch this one to the left, and this one to the right.  I shall touch the one 
from a distant, and the one that is close.  I shall touch the heart of the 
weak and make them strong, and I shall touch those that are down cast and 
raise them up and bring forth their countenance so it glows and shines with 
all of the power and glory that is within Me, says God.  

I call a people that will be bold.  I call a people that will step out.  I 
will call a people that will go forth under the anointing, and in the 
anointing, clothed with the spirit of the true and living God.  My Spirit, 
says the Lord, My love flowing through you as many, many rivers rushing 
forth; many rivers engulfing those round about them.  Come My people, step 
into the boldness and Presence of that which I've called you to, allow Me 
to use you, be that harvester that arises, and comes to the surface and 
goes forth with the words on their lips that says, here I am Lord, send me.