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Date: Apr 2, 2002

This word is submitted by Jana Alcorn (JAlcorn@aol.com)



I am igniting the fires of My Spirit that shall burst into new realms, 
says the Lord.  This is the time that your heart and life will be 
consumed with My purposes.  I am moving others into this realm with you;  
you will not be alone.  I am calling you to great faith, says the Lord, 
even supernatural faith.
I am calling on you to exercise faith beyond the limits of comfortability.  
If you really believe, then step out of the boat, says the Lord!  I have 
tolerated weak faith in my Body, but now is the time to go beyond the 
realms of sameness and take a stand for My purposes, says the Lord!  This 
is the time to make Me known, that I am God and beside Me there is none 

Don't fear what others have said, for I have already canceled the power 
of their words by the Power of My purpose and My Spirit!  My purposes 
shall stand says the Lord!  They shall stand!  Invest in Me, take time 
for Me, make room for Me to grow in you and you shall see Me stand in 
My fullness, says the Lord.