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This word is submitted by Clyde H. Reid, Jr (Clyde@ReidNet.com)

Be Content

You must learn to operate and minister in the office I have placed you in. You must not covet someone else's position or authority. You must learn to be happy with the anointing I have given you and not desire someone else's anointing.

I have called and anointed you for a specific ministry. Through this anointing I have equipped you, if you dip in or jump under someone else's anointing or try and fill someone else's position there will be confusion and contradiction in your life. If you do this long enough you will lose the anointing I desire for you. Your life and your ministry, both to Me and to others will suffer and begin to die. You will strive, in the natural, but until you give up what you want you can not receive what I want you to have. Unless you get back in the anointing and position I have for you, you will be miserable and you ministry will suffer and eventually die.

You have filled your proper place and walked in the proper anointing in the past, you know what this is like. You have deserted My call and My anointing for something man has offered because it sounded good and you liked it better.

Listen to those whom I have placed you under for guidance. I placed you there, I know what you need. I know you like what man has told you much better than where I have called you but I know what is best for you.

Listen to those whom I have placed as leaders over you then wait on Me, wait on my confirmation, it will come. Do not seek confirmation from man, listen to your leaders and wait on Me, only Me.

You have forsaken My calling and anointing for your own desires, for seeds planted by men. Men of God, yes. My servants, yes, but men none the less.

You have desired and stepped into positions and anointings that I never intended for you. Repent, turn around and run, as a child would run to a loving parent, back to the position, ministry and anointing I have for you.

Only then will there be peace and joy in your life. Only then will I once again be happy to visit you as I have in the past and in even greater and more powerful ways. Only then will you be able to enter into rest, My rest, because only then will I be doing the work instead of you.

Many Blessings,
In JESUS Name,
Pastor Clyde
Pinetamare Assembly
Pinetamare, Caserta, Italy