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Date: Feb 11, 2002

This word is submitted by Fred Kelly (fredkelly@prodigy.net)


			I've Given You Authority

As you reach out unto Me, says the Lord. I reach down unto you, and I take
you by the hand says God, and I draw you closer unto Me.  For those that
seek after Me with a whole heart shall find Me, declares God.  For I'm the 
true and living One, and I've come to pour out upon you, in an anointing 
that comes from Me, says the Lord.  For those that come unto Me and ask 
what they would have of Me, I would pour out, for I have said it in My word.  

And I've given you the authority over demons and over scorpions and over 
all the power of the enemy.  The authority Of My name within you that 
believe and have received Me.  Just stand in that which I have given unto 
you, and the authority that I have called you to walk in, declares God.  

For I say unto you this day, the Spirit of the true and living God walks 
in a mighty way.  The anointing that I put within My children shall be 
strong and powerful. And you shall trample under your feet the enemy that 
comes in that declares that he is going  to take, and move, and shove, and 
push.  For I have said it in My word; you shall be strong says the Lord.  

I pour My love within you, and the love that I had and the compassion 
that I had for those round about Me, that you've read in My word. Because 
of that love I've touched them, and I've set them free, and I cast forth 
those things that the enemy had put upon them, I drove them out and 
commanded them to leave.  I have given that same authority unto you, says 
the Lord.  Seek after Me, and come unto Me in a completeness and walk in 
the holiness that I have called you to walk in.  Come My children, 
surrender yourself, for then you shall see the peace, and the joy, and 
the rest, that I've declared that you shall have, says God.