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Date: Feb 10, 2009

This word is submitted by Dawn Klauman [dawn.klauman@gmail.com]


                   Don't Fear The Water 
The enemy's purpose over the past season has been to distract you, 
to keep you off focus, and to silence the voice of God in you. You 
are a creature of the living water, yet the enemy has told you that 
you are to be afraid of it--to shy away from the water of My 
presence; the very thing in which you are supposed to live breathe 
and thrive. 

You've been unable to function well because of the dryness of your 
innermost being. Jump into the deep waters and learn to live there 
because that is what you were created to do. Do not be distracted 
by the antics and loud noise of the enemy which try to cause you to 
be quieted or to stand still. Light will shine out from the dark 
places of obscurity in Me; glory will shine forth. Be light.