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Date: December 11, 2003

This word is submitted by Bayo Omoyiola (scroll_of_david@yahoo.com)


                        Restoration of Hope
I am bringing back the lost hope to the children of Abraham. I am their 
lost hope being restored. I am bringing back the days of Abraham, Isaac 
and Jacob where they rejoiced in hope without seeing the fulfillment of 
the promise. Yea, they rejoiced and they were filled with expectation. 
Their carnal thoughts did not override their ambition, for to see Me is 
more pleasurable than silver and gold. Therefore desire on the inside to 
see truth, to know Me more; for I am on the inside of you. 

If you will desire Me, you will see Me more clearly. As you behold My face, 
you will see Me more. Look at Me, look at heaven. Behold My face and you 
will be changed by My image. Bear forth My image. Produce your cause, let 
your strong reasons come forth. Let Me know your troubles and you will be 
set free.

Men's hearts shall grow cold but yours shall be restored. I am doing a 
mending, a renewal.  Let those that have ears hear what the Spirit says.