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Date: December 10, 2003

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)

                      My Reality

Be of good cheer, little one.  For I have overcome the world. And I have 
given you My authority, which makes you an overcomer as well.  For I 
have ordained victory for you.  I have ordained strength and joy and 
peace and courage for you.  I have ordained that you will be a vessel
of My glory and of My honor.  And just as I have overcome the evil one
on Calvary, so I have given you authority to overcome him as well.

I have plans and a purpose for you, and they are good.  Do not look
at your present circumstances as your definition of "reality."   Know 
that My reality is the one that counts.  And My reality for you is
the same reality that I had for David when he faced Goliath.  I have 
ordained strength and power and authority for you. I have ordained that 
My name be glorified through you.  I have ordained that no matter what 
circumstances surround you, I will work in them and bring My glory into 

Child, you are called by My name. Therefore, I am with you and I work
actively on your behalf.  And I stand before the Father and I intercede
for you.  And I really did mean it when I told you that you can do the
very same things I did when I walked on the earth.  I spoke the words of
truth by the Spirit of God.  You can do this too.  I proclaimed the
kingdom of God, and you are to proclaim it also.  I broke the power of
the enemy and set free those oppressed of the devil.  And I have given 
you the same authority to command demons to flee, and they must obey
you because My authority backs you up.  I healed the sick and I multiplied
the loaves of bread -- in other words, I demonstrated the reality of 
the kingdom to those that I spoke to about the kingdom.  And you can do 
that too.  The Holy Spirit who lives within you will show you what the 
Father is doing and He will supply the power and authority to do those 
very works.

My plans for you are good.  My plans for you will bring you joy and 
fulfillment.  You will see My name glorified around you as you seek to 
serve and obey Me.  Know that I am with you.  Know that I have placed My
Spirit within you and I have placed My name upon you.  I love you dearly
and I am with you always.  So be encouraged. Go do the things I did.
This is My reality and it is My plans for you.  And I will enable you to 
walk in it.

Go in My victory and go in My power, for I have made you an overcoming one.