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This word is submitted by Tammie Gilis (TGelis9638@aol.com)

Seeds for Revival: Repentance and Love

The other day I had walked by a field that had just been plowed and ready to be planted and heard the father say the field is ready to be planted and much field is out there. But then he asked me what are the seeds that are being planted???

We are praying for Revival but yet see but small moves. What seeds have been planted for that?? I kept hearing the verse about us reaping what we sow. When I asked the father what the seeds have been even for the bits of revival we have seen he told me the seeds have been of man ego and mans pride. Mans conception of who I am and how I am supposed to act. But man has sowed seeds after his pride and from that will he reap.

Then I started asking the father what is it that will bring real revival and really see peoples hearts turn around and heard him say the following:

The seeds for Revival need to be repentance and love. I am calling my people to walk humbly before me. To recognize that without me they have nothing. To repent before me...but more so not to be afraid to let another see you repenting. Not to be afraid of others seeing that you are human and that you make mistakes. For in this will many more be drawn than you could ever imagine. I am calling for a people that will go to each other and repent of the things they have done wrong against each other. Not just say well the father forgives that is all that is needed. But it softens a heart as you go to another and ask for that forgiveness as well. If you plant seeds of repentance you will reap revival. Teach my people to live humbly before me and each other. Humble yourselves, admit when you are wrong and watch the fruit that it will bear. Why is it that my church has become so complacent about recognizing sin as sin and the need for repentance?? Why is it we encourage each other and pat each other on the back when you should be saying if you want peace again go to the father and repent?

In repentance and turning there is life!! If the world sees a repentant church they too will fear me and come to me. They are looking for a humble and real people, will you be that kind of seed for me?? Will you bow your knee ??? Will you repent and let me be Lord over every part of your life??? If you will the world will. Be their example church!!!

Lastly he told me that the other seed was the seed of Love. I heard him crying if they would but love!!! I desire my people but learn to love another more than themselves. If you plant seeds of love there is no place for pride cause you are putting another ahead of yourself. If the world would but see love in my body it would draw many. If you would but learn to love as I love and love another you will see the power that it has. My love has the power to see fear disappear...but rather you instill fear into people. My love covers a multitude of sins....but you point the finger and condemn. My love sees the good in people....all you desire to do is point out the faults. My love walks closely to those who are wounded and hurting but yet you turn them away. What is it that will draw the world to the church??? Is it you biting and devouring one another??? Speaking bad of each other?? Putting other churches and pastors down?? The world has plenty of that but what it don't have or know is true love...unconditional love. When they see this that is what will draw them. That is what will soften their hearts. Will you love them as they come in??? Or will you look at the appearance and say you are not welcome here?? Will you come down off the mountain you have built for yourself long enough to say we love you we care and walk alongside them. Showing them that you are human and still make mistakes. I am looking for a repentant people, a real people and so is the world.

So plant seeds of love and repentance and you will reap revival. You will see and inflow into the churches that you have never dreamed of if these are the seeds that you plant and are growing upon. Nothing else will draw them. Nothing else will last.