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This word is submitted by Terry Mengle (Gideonsban@aol.com)


War Before The Face Of God

We have been called to war! We have not been called to maintain the 'status quo' or to continue as we always have in our traditions. Like any war, this war has more than one front. We are called to war both in the world and in the church.

Recently, while meditating, I heard the words: "War before My face!" I asked the Lord what He meant. He began to show me a vision of a church during its' Sunday morning corporate worship service.

The prayers, thanksgiving, praise, worship and adoration that flowed from the hearts of the passionate lovers of God ascended like pure white incense before the throne of God. This fragrant smoke began swirling together to form something solid and shimmering in gold. What I quickly saw forming was a beautiful corporate mercy seat that obviously pleased the Father. He moved closer to that altar of worship and service in response to His pleasure. He was fascinated, pleased and drawn to it.

The scene shifted back to the church as they were involved in their worship and the exercise of their gifts focusing on the glory of God. Suddenly one of the people present stood and spoke. What flowed from this one's mouth was different in substance and nature and it contained gray tainted and defiled smoke. This strange smoke settled over the corporate altar, began to move that which was pure out of the way, and defiled the altar. The response from the Father was evident revulsion. He moved away from the altar.


The Lord explained that His people wanted His manifest presence among them so multitudes could be saved, healed and delivered. They wanted His presence and glory because it destroyed the yoke of bondage, gave them guidance, and was a delight to experience. Then He repeated the words, "You must war before My face!" He repeated the words from Ephesians 6:12: "For WE (His emphasis) do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."


I have heard it said prophetically many times that the church will be getting supernatural discernment. I don't see it! I don't see it in corporate worship services.

At strategic locations, often places of imminent revival or of importance to God;s plans, my wife and I have seen God's people begin to build that altar; only to have the subtle voice of the enemy bring forth a false or tainted word. This is an impure spiritual influence that defiles the alter being built. It interrupts and displaces the flow of true prophetic words and usually disrupts what God wishes to accomplish in that place. It also takes counterfeit authority.

Time after time we will be enjoying the presence of God when suddenly we are jolted out of sweet communion and confronted with a word from a familiar foe. Our first reaction is to grab for our swords and go to war. Only when we look around we see that most attending do not sense what we discern. There are occasionally alarmed looks or winces from a few, but everyone wants to be polite and not disrupt the proceedings. This appears admirable, initially. After all, we want to be subject to the local authority.

If there is discernment among a few, you can feel a blanket of intimidation and fear arise. We become intimidated by fear of man. "What will others say if we stop this now? It wouldn't be decent and in order." However, the Lord leads me to ask, "What is decent and in order about allowing this or any other defilement before the face of the Lord?"

Application and Appeal:

There are foundations that must be laid and actions we must take:

First, worship leaders, elders and pastors or those in immediate authority, if they lack discernment, must pray for it and/or enlist the help of prophetic intercessors with discernment to detect this defilement. It needs to be swiftly, but politely and lovingly stopped! If we wait too long the damage will be done.

Second, if no one in leadership discerns, someone from the congregation should exercise their own discernment. He or she must go to one in authority for help or stop it immediately by interrupting. Humility must be present in submission to the later approval or disapproval of leadership.

Some would say we must exercise the law of love and I agree, to a point, but who should we love the most or first? "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." This is the first and great commandment. "And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:36

The Lord is saying, "Arise, warriors of the King! I call you to fierce battle. This conflict will not be won by the faint of heart. Get rid of all defiled altars. Remove them from among My people. WAR BEFORE MY FACE!"