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Date: Nov 23, 2006

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]


                         In All Things

Child of Mine, reach up to Me right now and receive the many blessings
that I have ordained for you.  I have provided for you in all things
that you need in order for your joy to be full.  In addition to that,
I have made it possible for you to experience deep intimacy with Me and
to enter into My very presence.  I have adopted you into My family and
you are Mine. No power can rip you out of My grasp or prevent My blessings
from coming to you.  Take heart, dear child, for I am with you.

Do not fix your eyes on the problems that surround you, for they have no
power over you--unless you allow them to.  It is not My desire for you to
be effected by the troubles of the world.  This is a time and a season
where the world is in great turmoil, and that turmoil will continue to
get worse. Do not be surprised by this, for I have already told you in
My word that difficulties and tribulations must come.  But I have also
told you that I am greater than all of these things, and I hold you
safely in My hand.  I am active on your behalf and I will work in your
circumstances for good and bring My glory into them.

Do not loose heart--I have provided for you in the midst of every
situation or difficulty that might beset you.  I have already promised
to keep you safe from harm and to give you everything that you need--and
child of Mine, I do keep My promises.  In addition to that, I have also
put My Spirit Of Peace within you, so that you might walk through the
storms and be sustained by My peace that passes all understanding.

My plans for you are good. You are not of this world, but of My kingdom,
and I will sustain you in all things.  So take heart, child of Mine,
and rejoice in Me.