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Date: November 18, 2003

This word is submitted by Robert Lillington (Rlillingtons@aol.com)


                          Stand Still

Stand still and allow Me to fill your cup. Your cups are now so empty. Do 
not empty them further by struggling to please Me. Stand still and know 
that I am your God. Allow Me to fill your cup to overflowing. I can only 
do this when you stand still before Me. Do not attempt to cast the moat 
from your brothers eye while you still have a great beam in your own. 
Allow Me to mold, refine and pour My spirit into you, that you may flow 
forth to barren land as living water. 

To wait is not to die, it is rest in the Lord. As the seed rests in the 
warm earth, the sun warms and cools the ground that cradles it. Then the 
day the seed has matured it springs forth as a green shoot, a living vine 
and grows into mighty cedar, a living vine. So too you must allow My love 
and light mature you before you can grow. Stand still and know that I am 
your God.