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Date: Nov 6, 2006

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]


                        I Will Restore

Child of Mine, have you forgotten that I am the God of restoration? Do
you think you have messed your life up too much for Me to fix it? Do
you think you have failed or fallen short so many times that I have
given up on you?  Do you think that you have somehow disqualified
yourself from My good plans and purposes for your life?

Child, have you forgotten Who I am and what I have promised to do for

Dear one, I am able to accomplish all the things in your life that I
have promised, if only you yield to Me.  Your enemy the devil will try
to convince you that you have messed things up, that you are not
adequate, that there is no hope. But he is a liar and the father of
lies, and you should not listen to him. Instead, look to Me and trust
Me to cleanse and purify you. Trust My indwelling Holy Spirit to
transform you.  Trust that I can restore all things that your enemy
has stolen from you, even internal things like innocence and purity.

I am the God who makes all things new.  I am the God of restoration,
and I have already decided to work My restoration in your life.  There
is no failure you can do that will stop Me from working My glory in
your life, if you will only believe what I am telling you and cooperate
with Me.

My plans for you are good and I know what I have created you for. I know
what I have destined you for, and I am willing to walk with you and
empower you to move in the full measure of that destiny.  Are you still
willing to walk there with Me?  All I require of you is that you have
a willing and obedient heart.

I have not disqualified you, and I do not intend to do so.  I am willing
to repair every area of your life that is tarnished.  It was never My
intent to leave you in your difficulties and failures; I always planned
to fully restore you.  I created you in My image to be a carrier of My
glory, and I still want to accomplish that in your life.

I am willing to work My glory and My image in you, for I am the God of
restoration, and I am very good at what I do.  Simply present yourself
to Me as a blank canvas, and I will create a masterpiece of My glory in
you, for you are Mine. I have called you and I have chosen you and I will
redeem everything that has gone wrong. It is My good pleasure to bring a
new level of joy and peace and glory into your life as you turn to Me,
as you trust Me to accomplish My purposes in you and through you.

Child, you are Mine and I love you dearly.