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Date: Oct 23, 2002

This word is submitted by Laurie Stone (stone@swpc.net)


                        Let It Be

I am moving into your homes.  My darling children, fear not what it is
that I am doing.  For you are about to encounter the awakening that I
have been telling you of.  Things in the natural are about to heat up -
worsen.  Do not fear for you are under the covering of the One True
God.  Fear not little ones.  I will not allow the wolves to penetrate
the gates that I have put around you.  Fear not little ones, for I am in

Little ones, you are to walk according to My directions.  I am coming to
you more in dreams than ever before.  For you are walking in the realm
of Spirit  and I will show things that need prayer.  Fear not for I do
not show these things to bring you discomfort.  For "I come" bringing
things to you for you to intercede on concerning the kingdom.

I love My children and I want My people to walk in the fullness that I
have called them to walk in.  Do not lay back down!  Ask Me to open up
the heavens when you pray and you will see the hand of God  move because
you have done your best and that is to pray.

Allow the intercession to consume you for you are being transformed as
you intercede for your family, the church.  Stand still and be left
behind for now is the time to do what is told of you.  Pray children of
the chosen, and see what love comes to you from your faithfulness to the
One that gives you breath.

I am pleased with you and am calling you higher.  Let it be.