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Date: October 13, 2010

This word is submitted by Wendy Graham [wendy4c@primus.ca]


                         My Abode

I shall come and make My abode in the place where I am most sought. 
I will arise and shine brightly on those who seek Me with all their
heart and all their soul. Intimacy is the key that will open the door 
to My presence and My blessings. Blessings come through this pathway,
one of abiding in Me. 

This intimacy key unlocks the mysteries and secrets of heavenly things 
of My heart's desire. That is what I long to show you and give onto you. 
You must learn to separate the things of the Spirit from the things 
of the flesh. Press into My heart, and you will find that fruitfulness 
will come and abound in your life. 

Come to this place of intimacy, where the radiance of My Son will burn 
off the dross and cast light into all things that bare shadows. I
desire for all of My people come to this place in intimacy. Come, so 
that you might have victory over those things that oppose My good 
purpose in your life.