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This word is submitted by Kristin Reeg (kristinreeg@strategicnetwork.org)


Step Out in Faith

Step out in faith
and see the way I move
Step out in faith
And You will see all that I have in store for you
Step out in faith
And I will meet you there
Step out in faith, my child
And know, that I am there reaching out to take your hand
Step out in faith
Step out in faith
Step out in faith
And you will see My wonders
Trust in Me, and you will be changed
Trust in Me and you will be transformed
Trust in Me and you will walk in faith

Believe that I am the Lord your God
Fear not man, for man cannot harm you
Fear not your reputation for you are rooted in Me
Fear not, what others think for it matters only what I think
Believe that I am the Lord your God
Believe that I have saved you
Believe that I have touched you
Believe that I have wiped your sins away
Trust in Me and you will see Me move

Step out in faith
Trust in Me

All power in earth and heaven has been given to you
Walk in that power, believe that you have access to it
Access the Power of the Holy Spirit that I have given you
You will see the wonders of My hand
Pray, seek My face, and I will transform you
Pray, and seek My face, and I will be found by you
Pray and seek My face and know that I love you
Pray and seek My face and I will answer you
Pray and seek My face and I will heal you
Come to Me, My dear Child, Come to Me
I am waiting on you
I have waited for you to come
I continue to wait in anticipation for you to come to Me
My child, I love you dearly
You have opened your heart and your soul to me
I will never hurt you
I will never forsake you
Fear not the sins of your past
I have thrown them as far as the east is from the west
I have forgotten them
I have wiped them from the face of the earth
Child, you are Mine
Walk in faith and victory
Know that My Spirit walks before you, behind you, and beside you
Step out in faith
Step out in faith
And you will continue to see the wonders of my hand
I will continue to pour out My blessing on you
But you must be willing to step out in faith
Step out in faith and you will find Me waiting for you
I wait in anticipation for you to step out
Step out, I say
Step out in faith and trust in Me
I have come that you might have life and have it to the full
So you must step out in faith
Faith, I give you
Faith, I will restore unto you
Step out
Take a risk and trust in Me
Don't trust in your friends
Don't trust in your parents
Don't trust in others you love
Trust only in Me
Place your full trust in Me
And I guarantee you will see My hand move
Seek my face
Turn from your wicked ways
Humble yourself before me and I will heal your land
I will heal your heart
I will send Revival.
You will see Me move in a way that you never have before
Step out in faith and I will move those mountains
Step out in faith and I will unlock the doors
Step out in faith and I will anchor you upon the shore
Step out in faith and I will calm the seas
Step out in faith and I will fill you with a peace like you have never known before
Step out in faith and know that I am the Lord your God
Step out in faith
Step out in faith
Do not fear
Do not be afraid
You have nothing to fear except for Me
And I am here waiting, waiting
Waiting for you to step out in faith
Step out in faith
And see what the Lord your God will do
Trust in Me
Seek My face
Believe not with your eyes, but with your heart
And You will see miracles that you have only dreamed about
Look at your city and be amazed
I am going to do something in your day
Yes, in your day
That you would not believe even if I told you
But, you must be willing to step out as I call you
You must be willing to step out in My name
You must be willing to step out in faith
My child, Step out in faith
And you will find me there
Step out in faith