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Date: Jan 6, 2003

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                       Rise Up Mighty In Me

Child, the enemy of your souls is devising strategies against you.  It is 
his desire to take you out, to overwhelm you and to make you feel helpless, 
small and disqualified.  It is his strategy to steal from you, to harm you,
to disable the relationships that are important to you and to destroy you.

But My strategies for you are to make you mighty in battle, to make you one 
who walks in My victories and to cause you to be an overcomer.  I desire to 
thrust you into My victory and to show forth My glory and My power through 

Who's strategy do you choose for your life and situation?  It will be one or 
the other.. the enemy's or Mine. Which do you desire?  You can choose which 
strategy will be in effect over your life.

If you choose My strategy, then you must rise up and fight.  For you cannot 
win a battle that you are unwilling to fight.  For I will indeed fight with 
you and give you the victory... but only as you go forth under My direction 
and rise up to the battle.  You cannot defeat a foe that you are unwilling 
to engage in battle.  I have ordained you to be a mighty warrior in Me.  To 
be My warrior, you must enter into each battle that I instruct you to fight.  
For if you do not fight, the enemy will trample on you to kill, steal and 
destroy in your life and circumstances.  But if you fight at My command, you 
will prevail in Me. 

Know this, it is not enough to simply fight one battle and stop.  It is
true that you take ground in spiritual battle.  But you must also hold to
and maintain the territory that I cause you to win.  Just as a demon that 
has been cast out of a person wanders to and fro on the earth looking 
for a new home and it finally tries to go back to its original host -- so 
the enemy will try to retake ground that he has lost in spiritual battle.  
If you do not resist him, he will retake ground that you had won from him 
in battle.  

So you must understand that I have not called you to a single battle.  You 
do not fight once and then rest in your laurels.  Rather you are My soldier 
in My army and you are to both hold the ground I have already given you and 
to go forth into the battles I command you to that you might capture more 
ground.  I have called you to walk in My victory.. but to walk in victory, 
you must fight each battle that I send you into.

Do not cower before the enemy. He is a defeated foe. He will try to scare 
you and he will try to intimidate you.  But know that I have already 
defeated him on Calvary and I have already given you the victory.  But you 
must go and take the victory that I have won for you.  The children of 
Israel had to march into the land of Canaan and fight to possess the land 
I had already given to them. Likewise, you must fight to possess your 
promises.  I will give them to you as you move forward with Me in My 
power and anointing and authority.  Prepare yourself for battle and 
enter into it at My command.  Rise up mighty in Me, for I will surely 
give you the victory!